animal attack

  1. E

    Bobcat Attack - Chicken not drinking

    My sweet little Naked Neck got attacked by a bobcat yesterday and ofcourse had the most damage to her neck the whole ordeal was about 15 seconds from when they alerted me to when I was carrying her in the house and assessing the damage I immediately sprayed with chlorhexidene and put her in a...
  2. P

    Animal attack

    My 6 month old Sexlink was attacked by something. I have cleaned with peroxide. Applied triple antibiotic cream. Sprayed with Blue Kote. She is eating, drinking, clucking, and pooping today. I am giving her electrolytes and aspirin in her water. She has a flap of skin hanging at her side with...
  3. knowvagale

    Help! Badly Injured Pigeon Sole Survivor of Loft Massacre

    If this title reads like a clickbait article that's because I really need people to click on it. Paragraph three for the actual problem. Paragraph 1 for the dramatic retelling where I self flagellate for perpetuating this disaster. It started last Monday, when I walked outside to feed the birds...
  4. M

    Found an injured duck with maggots, healed the injury, but now concerned about fever. Help!

    Hello, A few days ago neighbors found an injured Muscovy duck and brought her to me because I have been raising ducks and chickens in my backyard. However, I have never had a bird with such a terrible injury; the duck seemed to have been bitten by something around her tail area, and the cuts...
  5. S

    Hen got attacked by some animal at night. Now she is sleeping whole day, and her neck is hanging down. Please help ...

    Day before yesterday night, my daughter forgot to close the gate, and some wild animal ( we assume wild cat ) entered and attacked a hen. We heard the sound, when we reached there soon, she was alive and, there was some blood on the ground. I couldn't find any major injury. Today is the 2nd day...
  6. R

    *Graphic - What killed our ducks?

    Hello All, New here and joined for the sole purpose of figuring out what the heck happened to our 2 ducks that were severely injured and had to be put down this weekend. I'm attaching photos of the only wounds found, but they had to be put down because of what we think was more internal...
  7. FarmLivin15

    Rooster attacked by fox - gasping and shock 10 hours later. Help! the

    My 6+ year old Rooster survived a fox attack this morning. He has been in shock all day and is still gasping for breathe quite a bit. We've put him in a box under a heat lamp in a quiet, dark room to help with the shock. We've also given him a bit of water a few times as well. Many tail...
  8. R

    Emotional Healing After Dog Attack.

    Yesterday our neighbor's dog got loose and managed to break the bottom of a 6'+ high chain link fence to get at our chickens. Out of 10 birds, 5 were killed instantly and 3 injured to the point that we had to put them down. I have only 2 hens left. They were hand-raised from chicks and...
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