Hi my name is Amanda. I work as a pediatric nurse but, my first love was animals.
My husband, daughter and I have 5, two and a half month old chickens. We got them when they were a day old. We haven't ever had chickens before so it's all a learning process for us but, a fun one to say the...
If you have ever loved a chicken, hugged a duck, fed a quail, cared for a goose, or raised a turkey, you appreciate birds, and care about their welfare. Today I will be ranting about a serious bird cruelty issue.
Foie gras. Foie gras is the liver of a duck or goose that had corn shoved down its...
Hello! I'm new to raising chickens and we just got our first 17 yesterday! I have no idea what breeds I have. I bought a verity pack. I was heartbroken today as we lost one tonight. It had a pasty butt. I cleaned it and separate it from the others, kept it warm and try to revise it with some...