I keep reading how autosexing is not guaranteed when you cross breed; but both these breeds are sexed by light/ dark chipmunk down color on hatch, so can one identify chicks by gender the same way on hatch?
I'm sure I'm not the only one who's though of this.
I'm certain someone out there has...
I am brand new to chickens, and am interested in crossing the Potchefstroom Koekoek rooster to a black australorp hen in order to differentiate the males and females at hatch, raise a slightly heavier heavier meat chicken, and hopefully keep the the egg laying capacity of the australorp...
Out of six CCL eggs, 3 hatched. The obvious girl passed after hatch and one was an obvious boy. Then there's this chick... Light markings, no real head spot, decent eyeliner... I cant decide that it's definitely a boy. Photos at day 4. Thoughts? Thanks!
I thought, after a couple of hatches of Dominique chicks and then some Dominique crosses, I would be able to read head spots by now. However, these littles have me stumped. They're one day old from a Cream Legbar rooster over a Dominique hen. They all look the same & don't look very "spotty" to...
I just hatched 4 chicks from a Cream Legbar rooster x Olive Egger F1 hen (Cream Legbar over Welsummer). It looks like I have 3 pullets and a cockerel. What do you think?
Here are close ups of the chicks...
Chick #1 (Pullet?)
Chick #2 (Pullet?)
The two lightest colored chicks pictured...