Funny title, serious question.
I've noticed my old girl, my 5yo Barbu D'Anvers Cross, Georgia, her butt looks like it's getting big. Compared to her daughter and my Silkie girls, their butts don't look like hers.
Now Georgia has hit Henopause, she hasn't laid an egg since last year, but...
Not seeing this pop up on the Already Asked thing, and I'm not getting answers from people I follow, so here I am.
My Leilei is a 5mo SilkiexBarbu Cross who I've confirmed laid 2 first eggs as opposed to 1. How I confirmed was I saw her poop and I thought her vent had prolapsed! I quickly...
Hello everyone!
I have 5 different D'Anvers cockerels, about 8 weeks old, all different colourings! They're quite sweet, and i purchased them straight-run from a exotic bird breeder, who's D'Anvers stock is wonderful quality. There are two Quail ones, a Black, a very pretty Silver Quail, and a...
I have 9 Belgian Bearded D’anvers with a momma hen that are now just over 4 weeks old. It may be a tad too early to tell, but the genders seem to be emerging. I know (99.99%) that these first three are cockerels, but the rest are confusing me. None of them have any waddle development, and there...
Hello! I have a broody Cochin bantam with 9 Barbu d’Anver chicks that are now 3 weeks old. What color variety is this chick? I can’t seem to find any info online. It is growing buff colored breast feathers, and has a splash coloration on its body (a few darker feathers in its wings and back).
Hello all chicken lovers, my name is Paree and I live in the UK, at
Christmas I got five chickens 1,
Barbu d’Anvers
1, Millefleurs & 3,
Pekings Bantams, my
Barbu d’Anvers does not seem to have a comb she was born in the summer Is this normal and will she grow one