bbw turkeys

  1. J

    Sexing my BBW Turkeys

  2. Ochipturkeys

    Turkey treats?

    I have 3 broad breasted whites that are on 20% crumble and 12 weeks old. They like romaine lettuce, watermelon, whole oats and BOSS. Any other treats your turkeys like? How much lettuce or greens do you give your turkeys a day? Thank you!!!!!
  3. dandkadams

    Broad Breasted Whites All sorts of questions....

    Well we finally got the farm, and somehow I am the proud owner of nearly 50 BBW turkeys. *Sigh.... I helped raise and slaughter them on a friends farm, but have never had the pleasure of owning my own. We had them in a nice 40 x 40 electric fence when they were small and they realized the could...
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