
  1. Farmers Chicken Farm

    Bielefelder X Cream Legbar autosexing?

    I keep reading how autosexing is not guaranteed when you cross breed; but both these breeds are sexed by light/ dark chipmunk down color on hatch, so can one identify chicks by gender the same way on hatch? I'm sure I'm not the only one who's though of this. I'm certain someone out there has...
  2. mchickies

    Papa's Poultry Legbar or Bielefelder Rooster Temperament?

    Hello everyone! I'm considering ordering chicks from Papa's Poultry in CA. He has great reviews overall and the quality seems to be amazing. Now, I'm going to order an auto-sexing breed simply because I currently have a flock of 9 Barred Rock hens, and want a specific amount of hens and one...
  3. tradair

    Bielefelder Chick!

    Hello all - first time post here. I have a chick who 3 days ago stopped walking. She’s 20 days old and is a Bielefelder (first time with this breed). Vaccinated at hatch. She appears to have maybe B2 deficiency? She’s so happy, just chirping and walks on her hocks. I’ve developed a little sling...
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