I am in New Zealand, where, touch wood, we dont have it and wont. But it has recently made its way to Australia and according to the news there is a risk it will come here during this winter (just started winter here) or during spring, with migratory birds.
I run a duck rescue, currently in...
TLDR- how to maintain some level of biosecurity with no running water and nowhere to change clothes?
Some context for my question: A couple of years ago, my partner inherited some property about a 40 minute drive away. It is raw, undeveloped land. We spent the last 2 summers clearing out some...
Good morning!
I recently purchased a used chicken coop for my pullets who will be transitioning out of their brooder this week. The coop came from a local long-term chicken keepers, and the last chicken of their flocked died about 7 weeks ago at 11 years old from old age. The coop is made from...
I’m pretty frustrated and going back and forth on what to do with them. I purchased these chicks locally just for fun to add to my existing large flocks including layers, and several breeding projects I’m working on. The chicks have been isolated 100% in a metal brooder in my basement since...
We had a bunch of guinea keets hatch last week. One needed assistance as it wasn't in the proper position, but it came out looking normal. Yesterday we noticed it was seeming pretty weak and getting nocked around by the older keets, so we separated it with one other younger keet in a smaller...
So my family and I visited the ocean harbor and saw waterfowl (mainly wild ducks) in the water and some seagulls flying around. For context, there are 2 cases of avian flu in my county and both flocks were euthanized. We don't think we accidentally stepped in fresh bird poop, but could have...
I just have a question, bird flu is scary but I remember we’ve had these scares before …. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/05/tennessee-bird-flu-outbreak-poultry-farmhttps://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_health/emergency_management/downloads/hpai/2015-hpai-final-report.pdf
And it goes...
I'm having an issue with my neighbors flock storming my run and eating like they're starving whenever I let my girls out to supervise free range. It wasn't always like this: a few of the neighbor's hens who were always getting bullied would come down and snack/hang out (I also saved one from...
Hey all. I got a trio of 5 week old Ayam Cemani's last month and put them in quarentine inside my house. Bio security has been as tight as I can reasonably keep it. I change my entire outfit to visit the quarentine chicks and wash all the exposed skin on my arms after taking said clothes off and...
Hi everyone,
I've had chickens for several years now but recently due to unfortunate events involving coyotes, snakes, and a hawk my little flock has dwindled to two (a pair of cochin brahma crosses, a father and daughter of course :barnie). I've completely predator-proofed my coop, and I'm now...
Hello - Looking for information on how long to quarantine baby hatchery chicks from chicks I hatched at home. All are less than a week old currently. Thanks
BEWARE CHICKEN LOVERS: Stay FAR AWAY From Chickens For Backyards (chickensforbackyards.com). Please read below as my chickens arrived infected with a rare disease.
I ordered 10 chicks of various varieties from them and received 13. One arrived dead, and others began dying immediately afterwards...
I am looking into getting my NPIP certification this year. I have goats within close proximity to my one chicken pen. How do you all handle the care of your goats and chickens while maintaining biosecurity?
I am aware of cryptosporidiosis. Are there other transmittable diseases that I should...
So, I bought 5 silkie chicks last week and unfortunately 3 of the 5 passed. I was hoping to have a flock of 5 and only having two sounds so sad to me :(
So, I know that biosecurity is a thing but I'm wondering how it's done for chicks? I can't think of the right phrasing to google it myself so...
Exotic Newcastle's Disease has been confirmed in a hobby flock in LA County. Info Here: https://www.cdfa.ca.gov/ahfss/Animal_Health/Newcastle_Disease_Info.html
This has happened twice before, and in both cases millions of poultry were destroyed, including backyard flocks within a certain...
I was looking around at some threads for my upcoming attempt at NPIP certification, when I realized maybe we could open a new collective thread to compile ideas about flock management/biosecurity methods that existing NPIPers use. Can some of you NPIP certified flock raisers post your location...
I recently bought a batch of baby chicks and about 50% of them have died. I had a necropsy done on 3 of them and after a month of testing tissues and blood it was confirmed that they have Listeria. They remaining 6 that I have seem fine. No signs of illness and are thriving. My question is... is...
Long story short, one of my newer hens probably 8 months old has become broody. We don't have any roosters so our eggs are not fertile. I was considering ordering some fertile eggs and setting up a brooding box and run outside next to our existing coop and run. My question is, if she...