We recently expanded our personal chicken coop by a lot, since we don't want the hens free ranging anymore, until the bird flu is under control. The last thing we'd want to have happen, is to euthanize our entire flock.
Our poor hens are so restless, and agitated because they've all free...
I know that avian influenza is on the rise right now, and I have a backyard flock of 6 chickens that will be a year old this spring. They have a coop and a moderately sized run, but we let them out once a day to free range (usually with supervision) in our small fenced backyard.
This might be a...
I have chicks arriving from ideal poultry next week. I plan to have them in a brooder, but was wondering if anyone knows how long to keep them isolated regarding potential H5N1? Is there a standard? I’ll start with the brooder in my greenhouse with an Ecoglow heater, but usually I transition...
Here in Utah we have had 7 reported cases of H5N1 in back yard flocks. At first the state vet had the owners cull the entire flock, but now if only one or two hens have symptoms they would test and if positive only cull the infected birds.
We have not yet taken measures to protect our chickens...
I'm a hobby farmer from British Columbia, although admittedly my parents do most of the work cause I'm a bit of a germaphobe. I live with my Mom and Dad and a back yard full of fowls near the forest, geese, ducks, muscovies, and many chickens, all free range.
I was out for a month to do house...
I've got a covey of 16 bobwhites that were born April 2022. In the last few months, I've lost 3 or 4...when I haven't lost that in total for the last 2 years. I feel like that's pretty young for them to start dying off. I also have a batch of about 30 young ones that I've raised for butchering...
I am in New Zealand, where, touch wood, we dont have it and wont. But it has recently made its way to Australia and according to the news there is a risk it will come here during this winter (just started winter here) or during spring, with migratory birds.
I run a duck rescue, currently in...
Hi there,
I live in New Zealand and everyone is starting to talk about the inevitably of us getting the H5N1 bird flu virus from Australia (we are close to Aussie and Australia is like our giant Canary so to speak).
But all our local chicken Facebook pages are full of unhelpful conspiracies...
A chicken friend of mine has a young house rooster who suddenly became lethargic and his comb turned black at the ends. She’s isolated him for now and he’s had some very wet, green poops. Any idea what could be wrong with him?
The comb is shiny because it has Vaseline on it. No sign of injury...
This morning I went out to the coop to let my girlies out and one of them didn’t come out of the coop into the run. I found her in the coop in the corner not moving. She isn’t able to stand, walk, she’s weak and lethargic. She can barely lift her head and falls to her side if she does...
Like many of you, we are planning on growing our flock this year, but with all of the AI going around we are having second thoughts.
Our first two batches of hens were bought from a local breeder/hatchery as pullets. However, we are looking to buy quite a few more (I know, chicken math) this...
I have a black australorp hen who I found standing where my chickens hang out off to the side with her eyes closed and sort of puffed up feathers. She’s one of our less friendly chickens, and I went to pet her and she just stood there. Usually she’d run off or move away. Then, when I threw some...
Hello BackYardChickens, I have a query. Recently, cases of Avian Flu popping up along the east coast. There has so far been one confirmed outbreak in my state (it was in a county a far way away from me). Should I be concerned about it appearing in my flock? The outbreak was considered...
While I know a few other threads exist on this topic, I'm specifically posting for those of us in the Pacific Flyway on the West Coast. Like many others here, I've been watching the unusual progression of this specific strain coming from Europe/Asia since January, and am concerned about the...
So my family and I visited the ocean harbor and saw waterfowl (mainly wild ducks) in the water and some seagulls flying around. For context, there are 2 cases of avian flu in my county and both flocks were euthanized. We don't think we accidentally stepped in fresh bird poop, but could have...
I just have a question, bird flu is scary but I remember we’ve had these scares before …. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/05/tennessee-bird-flu-outbreak-poultry-farm
And it goes...
Anyone know if there’s a vaccine for this thing available? Internet search has more or less failed me, various sites say there is a vaccine for some strains, but I can’t find where to find it either.
I’d ask a vet but the only one I know that’s decent isn’t hardly available and the others are...
Hi all, so I took my little Joey (Embden x something goose) to the vet who suggested avian flu or something viral might be what's wrong with him.
Does anyone have any experience with avian flu in geese? My goose has some symptoms, but not symptoms that I would think are common. He hasn't been...
Hey y’all,
I recently read an article by WIRED that stated that Avian Flu was back in the US and actively infecting waterfowl and wild birds. I’ve dreaded the day it came back, since backyard flocks are slaughtered if it’s transmitted to humans.
I’d like to know how y’all are preventing your...