I've googled and used info off this page so many times I figured I might as well join! I'm about a 10ish month chicken owner maybe less so far. Got eggs in an incubator already!
Ms. Noodle is from BigR, which I adopted her when she was roughly 4 weeks old. I am guessing she is a black sexlink, but the associate at BigR said they only got BJG and BA as their only black birds, but I dont beleive that to be true. Any guesses?
This is her next to Soup when I first got her
I ordered 5 BSL's from a hatchery. They are now 5 weeks old and I'm noticing a problem. I have one pullet that looks like a BSL, copper color apparent on parts of her head and chest. (Picture #1)
The other 4 are black feathered, a white tipped feather on each wing, black and white...
I will preface this by saying- there are no avian vets available in our area.
My sex link Pullet (13ish weeks) has some sort of lump forming on her upper right breast.
The lump is soft, squishy, and the size of a very small cherry tomato. She’s eating, roaming, growing, and overall healthy. It...
I was reading this post: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/sex-linked-information.261208/
And thought that this young man was a Silver Laced Wyandotte.
Leeroy has done a good job of covering my barred rock hens, so I thought let's hatch them and see what happens. I was expecting...
So I recently got 4 chicks, one of which is a black sex link (or so I thought). I noticed spots but thought nothing of it as it was labeled a pullet. Recently, I discovered this either means the black sex-link chick is male or it is a barred rock hen. It is illegal to have a rooster where I live...