I think they're black sex-links, but was told they're barnyard mixes. The one that's mostly black does have some orange colour under her head. The chick pics are just to show what the one looked like as a chick, the other two in the first three photos I got when they were already all feathered...
I'm new to having chickens. We got 4 day-old chicks on April 21, 2024. Two Crested Cream Legbars, 1 Cinnamon Queen and 1 black sex-link. They're all now 6 months old.
We had an old garden shed in our backyard so we tore it down and rebuilt it into a coop and enclosed run. It's pretty...
Black Sex Links
~ (AKA Black Stars) ~
Are finally here!
Hatched in Small Batches, Contact to Confirm Availability
A Waitlist is Available!
What is a Black Sex Link...
Hello from Michigan! I’m new to BYC and raising hens. I had two black sex link pullets. One unfortunately got attacked while I had them out during the day yesterday and I need to find my lone pullet some friends asap. I know I’ll have to quarantine new birds so the sooner the better. She’s very...
Right now, its 0° outside!!
That's the temp as I type this, and it's not going to improve!
I know chickens do fine in cold weather, but that's on condition that they have certain requirements met. My girls are okay for now
( 2 black sexlings ) but with the wind going to drop this number...
I have 6 8 week old black sex links they are about half the size of a full grown chicken are the safe to get left out with my adult hens and free range my only concern for predators is our 3 barn cats. They don’t bother the big hens just wondering if they are big enough for the cats to not mess...
I ordered 5 BSL's from a hatchery. They are now 5 weeks old and I'm noticing a problem. I have one pullet that looks like a BSL, copper color apparent on parts of her head and chest. (Picture #1)
The other 4 are black feathered, a white tipped feather on each wing, black and white...
I have an almost 10 week old black sex link pullet that has been spending an awful lot of time in the best box. Obviously to young to be broody she is t even old enough to lay. Should I worry that something is wrong or could she just be practicing.
My Shirley girl. She comes out eats gets water...
Bought a package of what was advertised a “Barred Rock Chicks” in March from local Tractor Supply Company. 100% they are not Barred Rock Chicks. They also appear to be possibly a mix of black sex link Barred Rock/Rhode Island Red crosses. Also seem to be mostly roosters? Like 8 of them. A...
Does anybody know if red sex-links and black sex-links lay the same large brown eggs? Or do they lay differently? The hatchery with the red sex links are all sold out but they have the black ones so I am just wondering if they are the same?
hello everyone!! my name is sofia and i have 3 chickens. i used to have 5. me and my dad take care of them together. i have a buff orpington named kung pao, a black sex link named benedict (benny for short), and a holland named piper. they’re all hens due to neighborhood guidelines, lol. i’ve...
Hello everybody.
I am in Northern Arizona, and looking to start my flock with 3 Black Sex Link and 3 Black Austalorp females, my research so far, leads me to believe these types will do well in our climate - last into this year we ranged 109°F - down to 0°.
I would like to select chicks in...
We're getting more eggs than we can eat up within the week.
I'm going to sell some so they don't go to waste.
MUST pick up!
+$2 for any egg added onto the order.
Here's a picture of the eggs we collected from our hens
All eggs pictured above are from this week.
Anyone who buys...
If I use black leghorn rooster over cuckoo leghorn hens, will I take solid (entirely) black females?
At hatch, all the females will be black and all the males will have a white spot on the head.
Can I use these females for breeding blacks?
I would first like to thank everyone on this forum - you have supplied us with a wealth of knowledge and have made our first 5.5 months of urban chicken life so much fun!
I have a 2 part question: We purchased an Ameraucana, Barred Rock, Black Star and Giant Cochin as hatchlings in early March...
Good morning! When I put my 6 hens in the coop, I blocked off the nest boxes so that they couldn't use them to roost in/sleep in. They are currently 11 weeks old, and are Black and Red Sex Links. At what age should I turn the nest boxes around? Should I wait until 18 weeks when they are closer...
We got these two chicks from our feed store. The associates at the store had no idea the breed and they were mixed in with many different looking chicks. Someone suggested they were Black Sex Links. All the chicks were to be hens, but you know how that goes. When I looked up the breed I saw...
Hi All,
Hubby and I grew up on small "farms" - I know how to milk a cow and he can ride a horse like no one's business - well, that was then and this is now.
Our 3 kids are sorta self-sufficient so we were looking for a little "excitement" on a Sunday and were perusing the aisles of our local...
I've already asked this once but the more information I read the more I want to know! I saw a post about 3rd generation Isa Browns being White and sweet and 3rd generation BSL chickens being a form of barred and not very nice but I want to know if anybody's crossed the two? I have one Isa Brown...