bloody poop

  1. D

    Coccidiosis?? Juvenile Chickens

    I recently got some new chickens (2nd batch) at the end of Nov, and we've always started our new chicks on medicated feed (just recently read that's probably not the best feed for them but it's what we used with our first batch back when young and dumb so didn't change 😣). I've seen some bloody...
  2. L

    Is it coccidiosis or something else I need to treat for?!

    I have 6 chicks about 5 months old. All purchased at the same time so I'm assuming all the same age, like couple days old when I got them in February. The bloody pine shavings I found in their coop the morning after I cleaned their coop, as I always have. New things I did was add ag lime to the...
  3. S

    Help- pullets have bloody poop after 7 day corid treatment!

    Today was the first day they had bloody poop! We are 5 days after a completed 7 day treatment of corid for cocci. I just started them on nutri drench and probiotics and fresh berries and oatmeal past two days. Today there was bloody poop in the coop. No one is acting off at all! We were...
  4. Chickenandgreens

    Blood and worm in poop?

    Okay so these are newish pullets, on organic pullet feed and fresh water, have a section of the yard to roam and coop is kept clean. Have notices bloody poop few days in a row but was like they eating watermelon that day etc today found a really bloody one with a worm in the poop small white...
  5. Browniethechicken

    Bloody watery Poop!?

    One of my hens just pooped in front of me and it’s bloody and watery. I don’t know which hen as they were clustered together in front of me eating treats. What does this mean? What should I do? They are all one year old. I keep the coop fairly clean and they are well taken care of. They have a...
  6. Z

    Wry neck and amprolium

    I have some chicks that I am currently treating for coccidia as I found that they had some bloody poop. They range 3-5 weeks old and seem to be doing better on the amprolium treatment. I did notice on day two that my frizzle silkie had developed wry neck. Could this be from me treating with...
  7. Z

    Bloody poop with chicks

    Hello, I am a new chicken keeper and this is my second time raising chicks. My first time I had no issues whatsoever but this time I believe I may have come across coccidia. I have ayam cemani, polish, silkies, and a white sultan in a brooder setup. They’re currently ranging from 3-4 weeks old...
  8. Mutha_Clucka

    Should I be worried?

    (PHOTO OF RED POOP) Hi y’all, I’m new here! I got 4 Amerucanas that are 3 weeks, almost 4 weeks old. I had noticed this strange poop today. It’s the only one I found and first I’ve seen like this. I’m super worried about Cocci. They did just have strawberries for the first time but idk if this...
  9. S

    Sick hens!

    One of my ~2 year old Leghorns has diarrhea and stopped laying about 5 days ago, and she used to lay everyday. I did find a large soft shelled egg in the coop yesterday, though, that I assume is hers. I also noticed my ~4 month old Silkie has what looks to be bloody poop. I found 2 spots...
  10. Tarynj


    Second time this week I have seen blood in 6 week old chickens. Just moved them to into old adult chickens coop (the adults are in new bigger coop) which was cleaned but maybe not spotless- so wondering if they caught cocci from them? They have never had any o virus signs but not sure what else...
  11. T

    Shedding intestinal lining or coccidiosis?/ Mixing Corid and Nutridrench

    I have 6 chicks about 2 weeks olds. I got them from Rural King which told me they were vaccinated for coccidiosis. They had all been doing fairly well. Growing, eating, playing, drinking, and pooping normally. I took them outside for a few hours yesterday since it was warm and they seemed to...
  12. ThreeHappyDucks

    Help My Pekin duck is bleeding from her vent. Corid doesn’t seem to work.

    Hi my 1year old female Pekin duck Cheeseball is bleeding with clear discharge out of her vent. She is not moving and eating for 2 days. We gave her corid having thought that she had coccidiosis however later my husband and I noticed the blood was not mixed with her poop but comes after the poop...
  13. eclectic-em

    green and red (blood or intentional shed?) droppings from 10 month old male silkie

    hello this morning as i was cleaning my chickens’ droppings i noticed a funky pile where my silkie roo slept last night. i took him inside for observation while i post this and had two more yes he was kind enough to aim directly into the sink i haven’t gotten him to eat yet i’m not sure if...
  14. Gearhead846

    HELP. ive got bloody poop... WiTH WORMS in it!

    Hi I went in to my chickens coop this morning and I looked on The floor and I saw this. It looks like worms in a pile of bloody poo there was more but I must've stepped on it. Can anyone tell me what this means and how to treat it
  15. Q

    HELP! BLOODY POOP! Is my 4 month old California Quail sick?

    Hello Everyone, I hope you're all doing well! I'm new to quail and birds in general, so I'm hoping to get a little bit of insight from others who may have faced a similar problem before. I have a 4 month old California Quail who was hatched in an incubator after the nest was abandoned (the...
  16. PioneerChicks

    4 week old chicks have bloody poop, otherwise seem fine

    I have been caring for these chicks in my house as I have been doing for several years. Pine shavings, clean water, good food, secure heat lamp, etc. I hatched these guys myself, and it's somewhere around my sixth time hatching? I haven't kept track. They are four weeks old as of about...
  17. W

    Coccidiosis & Flooding

    Looks like we’re dealing with coccidiosis again. I found several droppings with bright red blood on the droppings board this morning and some in the run, which tells me multiple birds are dealing with it. Flooding in the area is making treatment a little more difficult as the chickens have...
  18. lunahills

    Younger chickens sitting most of the day

    I have two 8-9 month olds and two 8-10 week olds. I’ve been alternating them between a coop/small run and a tractor each day. You can read the full background of this set up here: The younger ones are active when...
  19. lunahills

    Bloody poop from new chickens

    We just brought home 3 new chickens on May 22 to join our one lonely hen. I’ve since noticed runny poop and now bloody poop. I have an idea which it may be coming from (one of the 8 week olds), and based on what I’ve read it is probably coccidiosis or worms. Should I treat all the hens with...
  20. pizzylearson

    Cocciodosis or intestinal shed?

    is this intestinal shed or coccidiosis? The hen in question is still eating, energetic, and doesn't seem sick. This is her second poop like this today, both times with a minimal amount of blood/red stuff.
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