blr wyandotte

  1. Kattzombiee

    Wyandotte chick, hen or roo?

    Hi all I have this chick that is truly throwing me. They were hatched out approximately May 21st, and came from a breeding pen that had Red Laced Blue Wyandottes and a Black Laced red wyandotte in it. I figured big red face is a boy, but I know wyandotte patterns aren't usually as showy on boys...
  2. Ash56

    BLRW mixed with some kind of blue egger 🤔

    Bought some Wyandotte eggs off a local chicken page and they threw in an extra egg. The egg was blue while the rest were cream colored Wyandotte eggs but I do know the woman only has one rooster so definitely a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte dad. What do you think is it a girl or boy and what breed is...
  3. Chickensandicedcoffee

    Supposed to be a blue laced red wyandotte pullet?

    I think I got a mixed breed because the lacing is definitely off. I was wondering what other breed is in her possibly? She's huge for 7 weeks, much bigger than the other 3 chicks.. her comb is also very flat basically nonexistent.. I have another female that has a few of these feathers maybe 2...
  4. Floofmom24

    Blue laced red wyandotte crossed with white silkie lady

    Just curious if anyone has ever crossed a BLR wyandotte with a silkie? My BLR wyandotte I am pretty sure is a cockerel. I got my fist white silkie and my BLR wyandotte this spring. But I can't stop thinking about what the chicks would look like from them. They are both so cute! I need to take...
  5. Indigo a la mode

    Sacramento/Roseville/Rocklin Chicken Keepers - are you missing a BLRW hen?

    I saw a post on my NextDoor about a wandering hen in the Antelope Creek neighborhood that looks like a blue-laced red Wyandotte. Is she yours? She hasn't been captured, but if she's spotted again I'll go try and catch her.
  6. BandKfarms

    BLR chicks

    With the success of our first hatch with barnyard mixes, we have decided to try and hatch some BLR Wyandotte chicks. After they’ve hatched they all do not appear the same color. Researching the forums here and other sites, I see they can be splash and black as well. My question is, would the be...
  7. Cyprus

    Looking for show quality bantam BLR Wyandotte hatching eggs

    Hello friends :) I am looking for someone who has eggs from show quality BLR Wyandotte bantams for sale. I want to purchase a minimum of 6 eggs. Please PM me if you have any eggs for sale. I live in SE Wisconsin, about 30 minutes from Milwaukee. I'd appreciate pictures of the breeding stock...
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