blue egg layers

  1. Carrot_Mama

    Why aren’t Whiting True Blues more popular?

    In reading various sources about creating green & olive colored egg layers I have noted that the WTB’s are mentioned far less frequently in comparison to the CCL. Am I right or is my perception skewed? And if I’m right, why? The WTB doesn’t seem as popular to own simply as a blue egg producer...
  2. H

    Whiting true green cross with whiting true blue egg colors

    I have several whiting true blue hens and whiting true green hens and 2 true green roos and 1 true blue roo, they freely fertilize the hens of their choice. Just wondering if anyone knows what the breakdown of egg color would be laid by either of these two crosses offspring ?
  3. Chubbicthe2nd

    Can an Easter egger have no beard or miffs or fat neck?

    We got a bunch of heritage breed chicks as a rescue project when someone's science project was going to be sacked. At the time they were a bunch of fluffy little one week olds. They're all different breeds. Now we have four laying hens, and I've been trying to figure out theit breeds. Two of...
  4. L

    Legbar? Leghorn? Mix?

    Does anyone know whether this is a mix or a pure breed of legbar/leghorn/cream crested legbar? On the Internet I can't find exactly similar roosters from these breeds, is it a mix?
  5. Sarahndipity723

    HYBRID Question: which High egg production HYBRIDS lay WHITE eggs pls?

    Hi All. Hey Hybrid experts: I have 2 AMERAUCANA Roosters w/blue egg gene that I wish to cross with White egg laying,HIGH egg production cold hearty HYBRID hens for blue eggs. 1) Are there ANY high egg production Hybrids that lay WHITE eggs pls? 2) IF not:whats the highest white egg...
  6. Sarahndipity723

    Ameracauna Golden Comet cross?

    Hi there! I am trying to determine Ameracauna Roo crossed w/hybrid Golden Comet hens would be a good cross re 1)high egg production, 2)cold hardiness and foraging 3) blue/green eggs 4) pretty & nice temperment Any thoughts on an Ameracauna roo crossed on Comet hens pls? Would the comet...
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