hi! I am looking to purchase one female crested cream legbar chick to add to our backyard flock. Willing to travel up to an hour or so outside of Nashville.
also open to other blue egg laying breeds, but a crested cream legbar is preferred!
Hurricane Milton rendered our home unlivable. I'd like it if my spoiled girls could find a good home to live in. We are living in a hotel and won't be in a home again until January. They're fine in the coop, but I feel bad because they're used to running around free. They come with the DIY...
I have about 15 coop ready Color Pack Blue hens that will start laying in August! $40 Sweet Home/ Lebanon area
This breed will lay predominantly blue eggs, however, other color variations are possible.
Due to genetic variation which may occur as a result of crossbreeding, egg color may vary...
Location: Central Valley near Fresno or Modesto Area.
Looking for a few black or white Araucana point of lay pullet/hens.
Not looking for Ameraucanas (muff and beard) or hatchery stock Easter Eggers from feedstore labeled as Americana, Ameracana, Ameraucina, etc.
Must be fully rumpless and...
We have a few girls coming into lay right now. I’m expecting our olive egger and our CCL to lay within the next 3-6 weeks.
I checked both girls to see the width of their pelvic bones and the CCL, even though she is a month younger seems to have spread further apart… 2.5 fingers versus the 1.5...
There's a woman on a local Facebook group I'm in and she's often selling silkies that "will lay blue eggs". I once commented on one of her posts and asked about it. She said her rooster is purebred, came from a blue egg shipped from Germany. She also said something about his grandchildren being...
Hello, my rooster was born from a blue egg (his mother is an unknown mix (id say between sussex and X) and his sisters crossed with a normal backyard mixed rooster give green eggs), his dad is a just a normal rooster, a big meat bird that my friend raised as her pet.
Would in this case my...
I have seven 22 week old EEs, and 5 of them are now laying. I've noticed that their egg color varies a lot from day to day. Sometimes it's a nice dark olive, or light green, and even blue sometimes. I know I'm not getting the pullets mixed up since I keep track of which pullet is in which...
Easter Egger Chicks for sale. Mister Roo is a father! He is an Easter Egger Rooster that hatched from a blue egg. Handsome boy. The hens are Wyandotte and Olive Eggers. Will add color to your egg carton. Straight run only. $3 each
I am not sure because we have beautiful pullets (they aren't a year old yet but just starting to lay eggs..) and they don't lay blue eggs like we were told. I am very upset and confused about all of this. They are about 6 months and no blue eggs. We have for sure one chicken not laying. So the...
I hatched what I was told were pure Araucana eggs the problem is I don't know whats wrong with my boys comb, please can anyone tell me if this is normal? I thought true lavender Araucana's had a small pea comb... poor Max has his comb hanging over his left eye!
I have 7 adorable EE cockerels looking for a good home. They are 8 weeks old and have amazing beards and muffs. We have handled them frequently and they love to run up for treats and don’t mind being held. All were hatched from blue eggs.
I hate to send all these to freezer camp! Located in...
I have 7 adorable EE cockerels looking for a good home. They are 8 weeks old and have amazing beards and muffs. We have handled them frequently and they love to run up for treats and don’t mind being held. All were hatched from blue eggs.
I hate to send all these to freezer camp! Located in...