
  1. Desertvalleychickens

    Check out my chicken adventure book on Kindle

    Book 1 of more to come.
  2. Hillbillenigma

    The Chicken Book - by Page Smith & Charles Daniel

    Book is in Very Good + condition. One dog eared page and wrinkle (not a fold) in front cover. $20 - Shipped via Media Mail in the Cont US. Willing to ship outside of U.S. - shipping cost will be calculated based on destination.
  3. H

    Book of Geese by Dave Holderread

    does any one know if The Book of Geese by Dave Holderread talks about guard geese
  4. iii

    My OCs/ Book Characters

    As you may have heard, I'm in the process of moving from jadechicken on Scratch to here, and since I can't just backpack my ocs like on Scratch, I'll put them here. Hopefully this is the right place to put them.
  5. iii

    My Books I'm Working On

    So, I'm in the process of moving from jadechicken on Scratch, and I want to have my stories somewhere, so this is where I'll discuss my two main connected stories, Separate Realities (SR) and The Royals (TR).
  6. EvaluationUnit

    I made a children's book about my ducks!

    Hi all! Wanted to show you all my DUCK BOOK! Whenever I post about my ducks to non-duck owners, they always love the shenanigans that my ducks get up to... Someone suggested to make a book about them, and I thought, why not? Fluff's daily adventures are pretty standard for a duck, but still are...
  7. DaisyFaye7

    Great book you might like!

    Hello all! I bought this book years ago, when chickens were still a daydream for me. My chicks are about 6 weeks old now, and I just noticed this book on my shelf and sat down with it for a bit. It’s a beautiful book with lots of photos, and lots of recommendations regarding chickens ranging in...
  8. PioneerChicks

    The Princess Bride discussion

    Is anybody here a fan of The Princess Bride, book or movie? I just finished what must be my 50th re-watch, and enjoyed it just as much! Okay, I can't type out The Princess Bride once every sentance. I announce a new abbreviation: "TPB"! Normally, I say the book is always better. But with TPB I...
  9. Danish aseels

    NEED HELP ON What is a good in depth book on poultry genetics?

    I am starting to breed my own blood line of Aseel and want a good book to read, to know about colour genetics, comb genetics, body shape and more. What is a good in depth book on poultry genetics?
  10. haizley-k-chicks

    Chicken genetics book?

    Hey everyone! I’m new to the chicken world and I find chicken genetics to be super interesting but also confusing. I’ve tried doing research online about genetics of feathering and egg shell color but sometimes I read opposing statements on different websites. My question is: does anyone know of...
  11. Nats Chickens

    Edit book pls?

    I have written a few chapters [so far] of a book aimed at 7 to 8 yr olds. I was wondering on peeps opinions of what to ad, what to chop, etc...I will post new chapters as I write them. it is based in a sort of magic world place, could peeps pls "Edit" it for me? I would really like to publish...
  12. aringisthething

    Thoughts on publishing children's book about pet chicken

    Growing up on a small dairy farm, I was in charge of our Rhode Island Reds, and one of the flock's beauties became my pet, whom I named "Cluck-Cluck" - I know, not the most creative! She and I were the best of friends, and my five siblings and I used to play dress up with her. My mother even let...
  13. ShiftyShickens

    The Chicken Health Handbook

    so i am just coming across mention of this chicken health handbook. id looked it up and it has a nice 4.5 star rating online but i am still curious to see if anyone has an opinion of it online here before i click over and order it all hasty like. any insight is always greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  14. pelican


    It might have been that I didn't post an introduction when I joined several years ago, so here are a few thoughts. Currently I'm in northern California, in walnut country, live on a small property, am a wildlife biologist, artist, and author. About chickens: Chickens are...
  15. D

    What are you reading? (or books you highly recommend)

    Please share descriptions of what you're currently reading (include genre/author). Also, feel free to share info on any books/authors you've read that you'd recommend to others.
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