bottom of pecking order

  1. CloneFly

    Pecking Order and Freaked Out Hen

    Hello all! I have a bit of an issue. Obviously, all flocks have a pecking order, and in mine the head chook is my BSL, Pinguino. She usually picks on Brigid, our biggest chicken (literally, and figuratively) who is supposed to be a Jersey Giant. Well, I've noticed a few bloody combs in the last...
  2. F

    Pecking order got a little too rough, chooks ear left without a cover

    I’ll try getting a picture tomorrow, chooks currently roosting and would rather let the poor thing rest. Basically I put this chook in with the others after it got old enough and while they’ve been picking on the poor thing for the past few months its been in there it’s always been able to get...
  3. Georgiahome622

    Bullied pullet

    Advice needed! I have 12 hens and 2 roosters (both roosters weren't expected in my order). One of the roosters is a big boy - clearly a meat bird and more than twice as big as my hens, and significantly bigger than the other rooster. All are 16 weeks old, a "colored egg assortment" from...
  4. eguiney

    Help! Chicken spinning head, flying into things, etc

    All - my chicken has been acting off for two days - running in circles, freaking out at nothing, twirling her head in an odd way, flying into things...I’m concerned she’s dying. I can’t post a video for some reason but she’ll stand and roll her head back and then duck and tuck it down and...
  5. I

    Bullied chicken has had a breakdown! Help!

    Hello, I'm at my wits end with a really bad chicken bullying and anxiety problem! I have 4 hens, A Sulfock x, an Ancona, an Isa and a very small Andalusian. They were rescue chickens, and when their former owner gave them to us, he said that the Andalusian was "a bit special" - read, bottom of...
  6. SOlace30

    pecking order in tractor coop

    I have few full grow australop who over course of the year had their caruncle peck away. I have 5 new pullets going into tractor coop. was wondering if I get the australop and put it in with the new pullets would that be good idea. Not sure since she is in the lowest in pecking would she remain...
  7. Gottacrowe


    I’m a new chicken mom and have a question about my flock. My broody hen is bottom of pecking order and sitting on fertile eggs. The other ladies are laying on top of her! Is this normal?
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