
  1. dramabrahma

    Brahma pullet or cockerel?

    Hello! I have these 4 brahma chicks. They hatched on March 2nd so they are 2 months old now. Is it too early to know if they are pullets or cockerels?
  2. L

    Is this Brahma a rooster or hen?

    Is this a rooster?
  3. Winnieboo

    Lone pekin

    I have a one lone pekin.... The only lone survivor of a fox killing spree. I also keep brahmas all of whom were as big as the fox so survived. I now have a bullying issue as my brahmas have now decided they don't approve of my loner. Even though the pekins have been here for years. I've tried...
  4. BrahmaMama207

    Hello from Portland, Maine!

    Hi, folks! The truth is, I mainly wanted their poop. Seriously, though! I've spent years digging in the dirt, cultivating a dream of quitting my day job to become a farmer. While I haven't yet traded in my laptop for a tractor, bringing home these beloved birds somehow elevated our Little Pink...
  5. lilfarmchic

    Hey Everyone!

    Hi there! I am Andrea aka lilfarmchic. I live on 30 acres in Northern Pennsylvania with my husband John who I have been married to for almost 27 years and we have a 25 year old son. We have a small hobby farm with 11 ducks, 7 chickens, 2 goats, 2 dogs and a cat. I am an avid gardener, and modern...
  6. Zissura Akadata S

    Hi from Indonesia.....

    Hi all, My name is Zissura Akadata Suraatmaja, male, from Indonesia. I have a pair of Light Brahma only and seriously thinking about breeding; I would love breed Brahma and Cochin. It is nice to be here, thank you very much for having me. Best regards, Yukie
  7. J&Kfeatheredfowl

    Small fowl with large fowl?

    Hey all! I was curious if a Cochin hen and a brahma hen can happily live with silkies? I just don’t want the little silkies getting hurt ( e.g stepped on) thx in advance
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