brain damage

  1. ArcticCuddlefish

    Bird Brain Plasticity! Neat!

    Alright, mixed story I wanna share, and pictures later if nothing goes terribly wrong. A couple nights ago, our chicks that hatched last Saturday had an accident in their brooder. One of the Italians tried to get on top of the brooder plate by squishing between it and the back wall, but he got...
  2. Roxas13

    Neurological disorder in a quail?

    So I hatched a few quail a month or so ago, and one of them just seemed... off ever since she hatched. She holds her head low to the ground all the time and tilts it to the side when she runs, she takes very careful and slow steps when she walks, and is a bit more aggressive than her hatchmates...
  3. eguiney

    Help! Chicken spinning head, flying into things, etc

    All - my chicken has been acting off for two days - running in circles, freaking out at nothing, twirling her head in an odd way, flying into things...I’m concerned she’s dying. I can’t post a video for some reason but she’ll stand and roll her head back and then duck and tuck it down and...
  4. booch

    Brain Damage? Can't eat/drink on her own

    My black copper Marans was attacked by a raccoon 3 weeks ago. We have brought her back by tube feeding Exact and electrolytes, but she seems unable to eat on her own. Her injuries seem healed, except for one by her ear, which seems to protrude. We are thinking brain damage is the reason she...
  5. Phantom_k9

    Roo puffed up and still, don't know what to do.

    Hello In a previous post I made, I described the symptoms of our Polish Roo (about a year and a half old). For months, he has been very lethargic and his comb has been pale for some time now. We lost a cockerel about a month or two ago and he showed similar symptoms; he was the last bird we...
  6. Sundogz

    Potential brain damage from hypothermia? Please help diagnose this Turkey!

    My bird Meatball is a 4-month-old heritage turkey hen. She's a good size and is very feisty, but this morning she fell off the coop and got stuck in near-freezing mud. We found her likely within two hours (I was not awake when it happened) kicking her legs in a pinwheel unable to get up. We...
  7. C

    (Warning photos attached) Head injury on chick caused by older chicks and hen - worried about brain

    Hi! I recently had a couple chicks hatch in the coop and I found one with a slight head injury so I brought it inside. It somehow wiggled itself into the older chicks side of the brooder and they attacked it while I was out. The wound is pretty significant. They pecked at the entire head and it...
  8. C

    Silkie chick just hatched. Has vaulted skull. Shaking and chirping non stop.

    Hi everyone! I’m new here and new to hatching. I just hatched my first group of Silkie chicks and one of them seems to be having some problems. First it took almost 30 hours to hatch, it seemed very stuck so I assisted with the hatch a little so it could get its head out. It was hatched with a...
  9. A

    Rooster tried to KILL duck, HEAD INJURY now cant walk, Brain dammage?

    My beautiful rooster (now on a plate) tried to kill my Peking pet duck about 4 days ago, He was not trying to mate with her he was trying to kill her, pecking at her head and eyes until we discovered what was happening and stopped him. She laid lifeless on the ground and we thought she was dead...
  10. bethadee

    Hemiparesis - hen can't stand

    I have a hen with a fox-induced brain injury. She appears to have full strength in her right half, but lacking in ability to use muscles appropriately. My vet friend tells me it's hemiparesis, meaning brain damage has caused nerve issues in her right half. She can't walk, so I've been using a...
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