As seen in the picture, it is mostly brown, with a yellow bib, little specks of yellow on her wing tips and tail. Legs and feet are fully black, the bill is black at the top with pink tip and bottom.
I have a rooster that I hatched out last summer from a clutch of eggs purchased as fertilized Easter egger eggs. He hatched out of a blue or green egg (I can’t remember which) and was solid white as a chick. He is beautiful and as I am getting ready to hatch out more eggs I am curious on...
I bought this guy about 8 months ago from ideal poultry as a mystery rooster and still can't figure out what breed he is, he has been growing very slowly compared to the other chickens I bought around that time so I was wondering if he might be a larger breed?
I have this little 2-4 week old rescued turkey poult. We know the little brown one he's with is a narragansett, and we thought the little guy was a Spanish black but he's getting bright white with black tipped feathers in the older he gets?
All images are from today.
I have no clue anymore as to...
Hello All :frow
I've recently hatched some Exhibition Quality Buff Orpingtons (as described in the title by the seller) from a trusted seller in the UK who has seemingly great reviews on Ebay. The chicks looks great little examples of the breed. But, I have never hatched Buffs before, I have...
Hey y'all, I've been trying to figure out for the longest what breed my bossiest girl is! Her name is Chocobodia (Bo for short). She looks like so many breeds I find online, lol. In two of the pictures is our other og girl (defo Isa Brown, right?) who we call "Lady", but her full name is "Lady...
hey everyone, i recently had my first hatch with my buff silkie whom of which is a hybrid. i only know it was from a silkie, not about the other part of it's hybrid. and the mother is a silver laced cochin to my knowledge. out of my first hatch, i came across both light feathered and dark...
When they were younger I assumed it was a GLW but now I'm not sure I know she's a wyandotte but what is she you can even tell me what breed both are but I know the second picture must be a GLW these are two different chickens in both pictures
Its ages is an est. of ten weeks. Is it a Plymouth Barred Rock? Is it a cockerel? Do barred rock cockerels grow spurs? If it is a cockerel, should I remove it ASAP? I have a mixed breed flock with one other PBR and about to fully merge this one into my existing flock of 6. The one on the box is...
Got a couple “dual purpose” cockerels and I’ve been trying to pinpoint what they might be.
Breed identification pros please do your thing!
*The lighter roo would not hold still for his photo, but I think I captured most of his features in a collage of pics :)
I bought an assortment of chicks at TSC a few months ago and this one was labeled as a Sapphire Gem, which it obviously is not. I have another that looks exactly the same. Thoughts on breed? Maybe Welsummer? They are 7 weeks old.
PS- Excuse their messy holding box while their pen is cleaned out!
Thanks for letting me join this forum, I am new, have been raising chickens as long as I can remember, mostly game, when I was a child. As I grew older started raising heavy breeds, my husband passed away in March, so my brother suggested incubating eggs, as my hens are about 3 years old and...
Pretty positive they’re both Roos, but what breed are they?(Big white ones with black peppered through)
I also added a photo of them as little bitties in the brooder. They were yellow with little speckled wings.
They’re also the absolute sassiest breed I’ve ever dealt with. They pick fights...
Okay so about a month ago, my beloved Rudy the Turken rooster succumbed to his injuries after fighting off some sort of predator. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but he and one hen were missing at bedtime, couldn't find any sign of either of them anywhere, and Rudy literally hobbled in...
Hello friends,
Most of my flock was labeled as specific breeds but i have three Hoover's "Hatchery's Choice" and I can't quite figure 2 of them out!
Pullet: not super sure on age but I am thinking she is about 7-8 weeks old, although I don't think she developed properly in the beginning...
A few weeks ago I had gotten chicks for the main purpose of laying eggs, these chicks are about 3 - 4 weeks of age. I got these chicks thinking I had bought egg laying chickens, but when I went to the store where I had gotten them, I'm starting to have second guesses. This is my first time...
We decided to grab this chick in question from TSC about 5 weeks ago. He/she was the only dark chick in a tub of White Leghorn babies and we thought "why not". No clue the breed, but we are leaning toward Prairie Bluebell Egger or Olive Egger. Does anyone know? And can anyone tell roo or hen...
Hey all! For fun, what breed mix does my olive egger resemble? She is almost twice the size of the others now. Was actually one of the smaller birds in the first week. She has feathered feet too. This is my first flock 😊
Here is a photo of her next to my welsummer, chili dog.
I have 2 white oegb's, one male one female and I know the feed store orders from ideal hatchery. The only problem is, ideal doesn't sell white oegbs. They have red pyle and porcelain, but these guys are all white. What could they be?