#broken toenail

  1. Fluff Butt Faye

    Broken nail fixed

    Our little Chipmunk managed to break a nail off right at the quick. Bled a lot and was very painful! Poor little one. She did not want to be separated from the flock and started panting in panic when we put her in the dog kennel in the run. We cleaned the toe with soap and warm water, and...
  2. NinjaGamer2022

    Injured Guinea Fowl, advice needed: Broke toenails, swollen 5 times to large foot, bumblefoot?

    Somehow my Guinea Fowl broke it's toenail a day or so ago. It's foot was only a tiny bit inflamed, so I hoped I would recover seamlessly. Today while I was spending time with my flock, I noticed the Guinea Fowl's foot was 5x too large. Is there anything I can do? Does it need put down? I am...
  3. Charp

    Broken Toenail

    Two days ago my Bardrock, Charity, broke her toenail half way up & past the quick. She bled out pretty bad before I discovered it. Got her into the utility sink & cleaned her foot really well after I got the bleeding stopped. Nail is pretty jagged where broken. Sprayed an antiseptic bandage on...
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