
  1. N

    2 hatched day 21, 1 day 22, 2 pipping and three to go

  2. Goosebaby

    What causes droppings like these?

    Blood, mucous, possible intestinal lining, gas. Any thoughts?
  3. Silling

    Bubbly poop?

    Hi. I know, another "is this poop normal?" thread. I've tried to find an answer myself, but I just can't decide. It would give me some peace of mind to hear others thoughts on the matter. The poop pictured here is from one of my 1 year old cochin crosses. Her name is Michelle. She free-ranges...
  4. C

    Soft lump on chick's throat, full of bubbles?

    We have a ten day old male chick with a lump on his throat. We thought it was his crop to start with, but now it is soft and squishy and kind of bothers him when you touch it. I've attached the best photo I could get. The skin over it has no feathers or fluff and is really thin, and I can see...
  5. Platy04

    Is my chicken sick?

    A while ago I had one hen that had bubbles in her eyes and no other symptoms. After I gave her antibiotics her eyes cleared up and she has been fine until now (more than a year later). I noticed her face looks swollen and she has tiny bubbles in the corner of one eye. She doesn't sneeze, show...
  6. hugitnotnugget

    Bubbles in poop.

    I have a hen who has bubbles in her watery poop. How concerned should I be!?
  7. SilkiesInSuburb

    "Sizzling" Chick?

    One of my month-old Turkens has developed an odd symptom. When she moves around a lot or is touched on her abdomen, her abdomen makes a sound like pop rocks, a fire, or like I said, a sizzling chicken. The sounds lasts for a couple of seconds or sometimes up to a minute. I have had a chick with...
  8. Maggie1030

    Help new hatched chick bubbling from the Mouth?

    Hi my last chick hatched last night . I put him in the brooder separate. He did eat a little and drink little. Now I see that there is liquid and bubbles coming from his mouth. I wiped it with a tissue and then he did it again 10 minutes later. He is chirping. Is this something to be...
  9. slukeplass22

    Foamy/Bubbly Eggs

    Lately I've been getting some watery whites from one of my hen's (Beep Beep's) eggs. I've already figured out why the whites are runny, but on those eggs, when cracked open, there's bubbles on the ends. Why is that? Other things about Beep Beep Breed: Australorp, Age: 1 yr 5 months, Eggs are...
  10. BrahmaWithDrama

    Bantam Frizzle making weird noises + eye discharge.

    So, my black bantam frizzle has been a little under the weather recently. A month ago she started making strange noises, like she was hiccupping. There was no snot on her nose and she was breathing fine with no gurgling, so I didn't think much of it. She is about 4 months old. Yesterday I looked...
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