So I bought these at a local fair for $25 for the pair and they were labeled as Buff Columbian bantam cochins. Others have said they aren't and one person mentioned that the hen was actually Furness and not buff columbian. Are there any Cochin color experts or chicken geneticist that could...
Hi all - five adorable handsome cochin bantam cockerels hatched May 23, 2022. No charge just want them "re-homed".
Pick up in Sandy Hook, CT. Parents were from McMurray hatchery and Dad is a buff cochin bantam. See pictures: A: mostly white/some black on rear/tail; B: mottled cream/grey blue...
When i go to give my bantam buff Cochin hen some scritchies, she makes a distressed noise!? Maybe she thinks my hand is a scary hawk i dont want her to be scared!!
I thought this group needed their own thread outside my Evolution of Atlas thread that has been running for over 7 years now. After many years of having breeding groups and fine stock from very conscientious and reputable breeders, we decided due to personal circumstances to go back to the...