We have buff orphington and silver laced Wyandotte hens, and a buff Orpington roo, and these are the 2 chicks that have hatched so far! Since the eggs are basically the same colors, I do not know which check are for which breed of hen! Is it too early to tell? The darker chicks egg was a pale...
Out of my sixteen pullets, I thought my cinnamon queens would lay first and buff orpingtons would lay last. (I have cinnamon queens, buff orpingtons, easter eggers, silver laced black wyandotte, delaware.) However, today i received my first egg from (I'm pretty sure) one of my buff orpingtons...
First things first: Yes, I know it's early to tell and I need to wait a bit to know for certain. That said, I have a group of six chicks I hatched out four and a half weeks ago. We've spent a lot of time together and based on the hens I've raised (three dozen total) and what I am seeing in the...
I noticed my 17 week old hen had an injured earlobe with a strand of skin hanging off. Immediately I separated her, cleaned it, and sprayed chicken antibiotics on it. So I have two questions:
How does my chicken hospital look?
Is there anything I should do in regards to the strand of skin?
Hello, I have 5 chickens we've raised from chicks.
There are 4 different types:
1.) Cheerio - Buff Orpington x1
2.) Frenchie - Wheaten Marans x1
3.) Wells - Golden Laced Wyandotte x1
4.) New Hampshire Red x 2
I'm curious based on the pictures if you're able to say whether they are hens or...
Hi! I have a 2 year old buff orpington hen and in the recent weeks shes lost a significant amount of weight and has a loss of appetite. I don’t think its sourcrop; her crop nor breath smell and her crop isn’t swollen — its actually very small and squishy (maybe because she isnt eating?). Shes...
Hey y'all! I have 2 buff orps that look quite different. Bird #1 is larger, has a distinct tail, and a more pink comb and wattle. This bird has always been bigger than bird #2.Possibly a roo or too early to tell?
Bird #2 is smaller, short tail with a pink/nude comb and wattle.
Thanks for your...
I have a flock of five hens who are all a little over 4 years old. Two of the five are starting to molt--a buff orpington and a RIR hybrid. The buff orpington had a light/mini-molt already in May, where she stopped laying for a couple of weeks and lost a small amount of feathers. This molt is...
(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We are always new to chickens, always learning even after 5 years of raising mostly hens. our first girls came to us in the spring of 2018.
(2) How many chickens do you have right now? 17
(3) What breeds do you have? We have had...
One of my buff orpingtons is acting weird today. Her tail is down and it seems like she’s shuffling around to walk, not going super far, and laying down every chance she can. When she is laying it seems like she’s trying to squeeze something out so I’m thinking she may be egg bound, however she...
Hi! I am finally joining after using this site as a reference for 3 years. I live in a suburban area that only allowing 5 hens per household. Our family raised Rhode Island Reds and Golden Lace Wyandottes from chicks. A recent bobcat attack left us with only one RIR. We are now raising an...
I'm considering creating a new breed so to say.
I love my Jubilee orpingtons so much, Buffs too. And I was interested if by crossing them I could get something like Jubilee but for the base color to be closer to buff.
Hope someone can help me and inform me if I should even try it, what are the...
Hi there,
I recently got 4 chicks from a breeder, 1 silkie, 1 Buff Orpington, 1 Polish and a Unknown breed. Anyway I was wondering if anyone would be able to tell the gender of these chicks?
Thanks to anyone that can!
Photos are mainly of there faces, since I’ve heard most people can tell it...
I have two Buff Orpington chicks that just turned 6 weeks old yesterday (born July 31st). I posted when they were 4 weeks old but the general consensus was that I should re-post at 6 weeks. So here we go!
First chick’s name is Connor:
The second chick’s name is Henrietta:
I joined this group yesterday to post some new behaviors I was seeing from my Buff Orpington. I'm a new chicken momma and all of my girls are between 20-22 weeks. Yesterday my Buff was screaming all day and laying on the ground in the coop and just being obnoxious overall. The videos are posted...