buff orpington duck

  1. Mgt19

    Hello from Texas

    New buff orpington ducks 3 weeks old. Also have 6 chickens and a pot belly pig.
  2. proudduckowner22

    15 week old buff Orpington ducks sexes?

    Hey y’all, I got my first buff Orpington ducks about 2 weeks ago they are 15 weeks old now. I was wanting to purchase 4 girls and 1 boy and when I got them I was pretty sure I got what I wanted, in the photo you can see the drake in the pool he clearly has a different bill colour then everyone...
  3. Cecisflock

    Orpington Duck Questions

    Has anyone had an Orpington Duck that can tell me about your experience with them? I read that they were really gentle but I would like some other people's experience before I buy. Do they fly? Are they gentle and kind? Any info is welcomed, thanks!
  4. Fairywoodducks

    I'm here for the ducks!

    Hi all! I recently got 4 ducks and I'm here to learn as much as I can. I have 1 buff orpington duck (female, Luna Duck), a mallard (I think is a male), and 2 unknown (sex and breed) little ducklings that are about 3 weeks younger than the other two. We also have 3 pups and a 17 year old cat.
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