I am trying to integrate a flock of 4 (~10 weeks) into a flock of 15 (~13 weeks). The problem is, the existing flock are red and black stars while my new flock are 2 red stars, a RIR, and what I believe to be a light Sussex.
My Sussex cannot catch a break. Every time I try to let everyone out...
I have a chicken I added to the flock and thought the pecking order had been sorted out by now. It's been more than 3 months and the only thing I still see is one of the chickens chases away the new one when food is involved. The newer chicken still seems to get enough food though cause they...
Hey, everyone! I have five pullets. They are about 19-20 weeks old. My oldest pullet is pretty large and looks to be some sort of Barred Rock / Leghorn mix. She is the only pullet who has started laying. I noticed last week that one of my Brahma pullets was missing feathers on her back. I...
My pullet has been picked on off and on for about 2 months. At first she only got chased. They started plucking feathers a few weeks ago, but it wasn't bloody so I left her in. Last week her back got really bloody, so I made her a saddle. Now her back is healing, but yesterday everyone was...
Hello! If this is not the correct area I'm sorry in advance. I felt this might be the closest forum section to post this.
I have a Golden Laced Wyandotte less than a year old who is a bit of a special case. She has had a deformed neck since birth and it isn't wry neck. I have taken her to vet...
I have a flock of 8 comprised of 7 hens and 1 roo. 1 hen is 4 years old and mostly just goes along with the flock - not dominant, or mean, just a sweet old girl. The other 6 hens are Golden Comets all about 14 month old now, hatched and raised together. The entire flock free ranges all day...
Hello All,
I’m new here and am a bit panicked over my chicken situation. All of my hens about a year old. Noticed my two favorolles are getting picked on two where they are completely bald and there throat feathers have been plucked. There heads have sore marks. Should I grab them and separate...
Hello- I have 9 laying hens about a year old.. docile different breeds. Today I noticed my favorolle head to be more bald and what looks like plucked. Also, her throat is losing feathers and looks to be plucked. Is this bullying.. or a disease? Please if someone knows what this is and how to...
Hi! I’ve got an emergency! I’ve got 3 cockerels and 3 hens all in the same coop, that have been raised together since they hatched and just recently my buff Orpington and my Brahma has been bullying my silkie cockerel. As soon as they come out of the chickens coop in the morning the two big...
Hi everyone, happy new year 2021!!
Hope everyone doing fine. I am here needed some advise on my quail illness. One of my quail had been bullied by male quail which she doesn't want to be mount up. She brutally peck on her head and once she nearly blind. How ever she survive and I move her to...
I'm at my wits end with a really bad chicken bullying and anxiety problem!
I have 4 hens, A Sulfock x, an Ancona, an Isa and a very small Andalusian. They were rescue chickens, and when their former owner gave them to us, he said that the Andalusian was "a bit special" - read, bottom of...
Hello! I have not seen this addressed in any threads so far and I really need an answer or at least advice. Over the course of 6 to 8 months we have a smaller hen who is not a Bantam but could be considered a very large Bantam or a very small Leghorn. The issue is she has been picked on by the...
Hi, All,
I have 6 hens of different breeds (2 bantams - a silkie and a cochin) and 1 accidental silkie roo. There are two chicken bullies who have been picking on my silkie girl really badly and took a chunk of skin out of her neck. I have separated the two bullies (Olive and Ruth), and I also...
Hey all,
So, I got nine baby hen chicks in December. They're six weeks old. I live in Utah and it is super cold right now so we kept them in a brooder in the heated garage for as long as possible. Moved them to the coop about 10 days ago.
I've had chickens in the past but this is the first time...
I recently posted about a feather picking problem. I don’t know how to resolve this issue!!!! I cover her vent (the area of feather loss) with Blue Kote daily which helps camouflage the bare area but now all of the hens are taking occasional little pecks at her. She has no wound, per se, but a...
We have about 5 chickens, all of different ages. Three of them are around six months old, one is around four, and the last is about two or three months old. However, we have began to have issues with two of the oldest three chickens.
We have a rooster, "Ash", who is a Plymouth Rock, and we have...
Hi all. So I have 6 backyard chickens, that's the whole flock. I have one Buff Orpington (Buffy) who used to be near the top of the pecking order and now she is being mercilessly bullied by the other 5. We noticed a change in her behavior two weeks ago and then saw her being pecked in the...
Hi, this is my first post and I'm a new user so forgive me if I didn't write this properly. Open to suggestions to improve.
I have 2 female silver quails about a year old and 1 one them bullied the other when I first got them. I had them in my bird cage temporarily until I bought a big cage for...
Hello Everyone!
Just some background information. I have 4 ducks all just over 15 weeks old. 1 female Khaki, 1 female Pekin, 1 male Khaki and last but not least 1 male Runner. My female pekin came to me as a day old duckling-blind, she will on/off have a bum leg (but able to walk) and has an...
a little less than a week ago, my buff orpington, kung pao, was attacked by a raccoon at 1 AM. her eye was swollen shut and she had a small wound on her neck and under her wing. all of these wounds are doing very well. she’s opening her eye on her own and it isn’t crusty anymore.
now for the...