Whenever I go out to the chicken coop, there is ALWAYS one hen, named Amber, who is up on the top roost. I'm pretty sure she's blind/visually impaired because she is not only afraid to get down from the roost, it also takes her several tries to get a beakful of food or water. She has pecked me...
Hi All! Long time reader. I've gotten great advice here and hope you all can help with my current situation.
I had a flock of 5 hens. One, PepperCorn, as always been at the bottom of the pecking order, but overall, the girls were nice enough to her. They are between 3-4 years old.
We then...
Four weeks ago I removed my rooster from my hens, he is caged separately, I removed him because my hens were loosing there feathers to what I thought was aggressive breeding. This was 4 weeks ago:
They are worse now with no rooster, I think I have a mean hen. These are the same girls today...
My 2 silkie hens grew up together and they are just over a year old now. This week the one started to peck and attack the other one. She is starting to get a bald spot on her head. Her feathers also seem to take long to grow out by her neck and torso. I assume she plucked some torso feathers as...
I could have put this under emergency but that is a purely emotional reaction.
I have a white hen and she is mercilessly bullied - worse, she just lost her babies (twice actually) to a snake - the babies were 4 weeks old. Three of them - she fought as well as she could, I thought she was going...
Hi all! I have a Golden Laced Wynadotte hen that has been being bullied by my other hens (Buff Brahma, Barred Plymouth Rock, Lavender Orpington and a Partridge Olive Egger) They have been pecking at her feet until it draws blood and she is limping heavily. They also sometimes grab at her neck...
Hello all,
We got our chickens a bit over a year ago, we have 25. I have not been home all year, so other family members have been caring for the chickens. I was warned that one of the birds named “my friend” was bullied pretty badly. Anyways, upon my arrival back home, I waited for night time...
Soo got this hen as a pullet. She has always been skiddish and always acts like the world is coming to an end. As a pullet I introduced her to the adult hens and the first thing she did was run straight up to them and aggressively pecked their ankles.. that’s how she got the name Talus. As an...
I have a seriously bullied, almost 2 year old hen. She has a BFF, Belle, but the other all pic on her, except for Sherbet. We are building a new chicken coop with a run, so they will no longer be 24/7 free ranging. I think that this might increase the bullying, even though the run will be...
we have a flick of 8- EE, buff orphington, Rhode Island Red,black austerlooes and one other. They are61/2 months old. Coop is 10’ x 11’ with a large attached run. All the girls sleep huddled together on the floor- except for one lonely henthe roosts are 2 x 4’s -flat side up with a ladder to get...
I have combined my rir and my Columbia cross successfully. Out of the 22 , one Rhode Island is getting chased and jumped from both flocks , rooster we got rid of.
I removed her, for 3 days to check her out she had soft poop, she ate , drank and her posture changed , not slouched over.Had her in...