Hello - our little flock of 7-month-old girls has been thriving, and laying well (save one Buff Orp who is still in a tween stage). I just got home after being gone a week, and some of my girls have developed black, wart-like bumps on their faces. I am attaching pics of my EEgger Fortuna, and...
frankie, our 4 month old naked neck pullet starting being slightly solitary and lethargic a couple days ago, standing around with ruffled feathers. She seems to be eating and drinking and occasionally scratches at the ground with the others. But I noticed these bumps on her neck and one spot on...
I have a three year old lavender orphington and I noticed a small bump on her comb. I took a small cotton ball with some poultry aid and cleaned it. Should the scab come off and it be cleaned? Any idea what it could be or how I should treat this? She's eating and drinking fine and my other two...