Does anyone have experience ordering hatching eggs from Cackle? I want a few Ameraucanas and it seems like a more cost effective option than doing a small order of live birds, assuming a low 50% hatch rate and 50% hens.
Hello! I've been lurking the forums for some time now and finally the time has come for my chicks to arrive!
My parents have had chickens many times so this isn't my entirely first rodeo, just one I am fully in charge of!
I ordered the Cackle Mini Surprise with the hopes of a very diverse flock...
Has anyone ever had chicks arrive at their post office later in the day? I’m getting a little nervous. My chicks from cackle shipped Monday, and this morning I did not receive a call early in the AM like previous times. So I went over there to check in person and they weren’t there. My shipping...
I am looking for chicks to raise this year, and I really love bantam easter eggers. Cackle hatchery seems to have good quality birds, but when I read the reviews for the bantam EE, someone had an unfortunate experience with vent prolapsing. I was wondering if anyone else has had this experience...
I have this gorgeous Bantam Easter Egger I got from a Bantam Assortment from Cackle Hatchery. I’ve posted about her before asking for help figuring out her coloring and genetics, and from what I got as answers she looks like a splash. Now I know Easter Eggers are most of the time made from...
Ordered assorted purebred bantam from Cackle Hatchery! The shipment just arrived and I need help identifying some of them. I know I got some porcelain D’uccles but other than that I’m not 100% on the rest.
Group 1 all have feathered feet, and muffs or beards
Group 2 clean feet and no muffs or...
I've been occasionally checking the page for Cackle Hatchery's Speckled Egger for several years now and I've never actually seen them in stock. Does anyone out there actually have these chickens?? I'm starting to believe they're not real! :lol:
Hi folks! This 8ish week old pullet came from Cackle Hatchery’s “rare breed” selection. Any idea what she is? Sorry there is no pic where she’s not being held-she’s a feisty one.
Hi all!
What are the Pro's and Con's of I've heard all good about them, but I just thought I'd ask!
Also, would you personally recommend them?
Thanks in advance!
i read their breed profile and the reviews and it seems kind of mixed, with some saying they’re large and some saying they’re unusually small. has anyone ordered africans from them in the last 1-2 years? how big were they? tyia :)
i’ve never ordered directly from them before and i want to get my order for spring in asap so i don’t risk substitutions or anything. can i call now and place my order, or should i wait until they have availability dates listed on their website? tyia :)
i feel mean phrasing it that way lol. but are cackle ameraucanas up to the SOP enough to be worth 20$ a pullet? at that price if they’re “hatchery quality” i feel like i’d rather just buy from a breeder. tyia
I thought this group needed their own thread outside my Evolution of Atlas thread that has been running for over 7 years now. After many years of having breeding groups and fine stock from very conscientious and reputable breeders, we decided due to personal circumstances to go back to the...
Hi everyone!
It took me a week to get back online after my into and 1 failed attempt at posting during a lightning storm. Is there a draft feature at all? Oh well, lemme start over.
So, I live in TN and it only takes Cackle Hatchery a day to ship to me and the Tractor Supply chicks here always...
Happy Friday-almost-Saturday-and-actually-already-Saturday-for-some-folks!
Yesterday I had an order of 25 adorable little Silkies to pick up at Cackle Hatchery, in Lebanon, MO. That doesn't sound all that adventure worthy I'm sure, except for the fact that I live in Memphis, TN. If you pull...
Hi, this is my first post!
I am in 4H (SW Missouri) and looking to show at a county fair. The standard is fairly low for birds there, and we have won reserve Best of Show with McMurray birds there.
I'm primarily looking for Salmon Faverolles, Red Shouldered Yokohamas, and Sumatras for show...
Hello, I was looking into the surprise boxes from cackle hatchery and I really want to get one but I had a few questions. 1) Has anyone bought one? And if so, was it worth it? 2) I want to get the mini box with comes with at least 18 birds, so I plan on keeping a couple but selling the rest. So...
:jumpyHello all, I'm a Okie living in Missouri and enjoying every bit of Life! I grew up in a tiny town where my family's love of animals and the convenience of being in a good 'drop off' area let to our own little farm of sorts. We had a beloved assortment of horse's, a donkey, dogs, cats...
So last year, I got an envelope from cackle hatchery that had a hand-written address- so clearly not a bulk mailing. Since I never have ordered anything from them, curiously, I opened it right away. Inside was a $100 check for a photo contest I won with my three pet BB bronze toms. Pretty cool...