This is not my first time incubating eggs however it’s only my second time incubating ones that I have purchased.
I have purchased both quail and chicken eggs. And they both have a shifted air sac.
On some of my quail eggs this is an issue and on mostly all of my chicken eggs this...
I had a look at the eggs with light on day 4&5, the lady i got the eggs from was curious incase we needed more. I have some with clear developing embryos. Today is day 7 and a few i was unclear about are now showing development. This little one however just has a red blob, no blood ring or...
Before I toss these two eggs I want confirmation. These are day 12-14 on incubation. Am I correct in saying these are not viable. All the others are way darker with big veins.le
I have a hen who has been sitting on eggs and when I went to check them by the candling method this is what I saw. Does anyone know what this means? There are two eggs that look like this. Im not sure if there is babies or not.
I have an egg that’s half and half. When I move it a small amount moves. Like fluid the size of my pinky but the black blob is almost stuck. Is this a dud?
So I let a broody hen incubate eggs during the winter, a risk I know. I candled them on day 16 and all was good. I was planning to move mama and her eggs to a private brooder on the evening of day 17. Unfortunately in the afternoon of day 17 she was kicked off her nest by other hens and the eggs...
Hi everyone, I am on day 7 of incubation my Sebastopol geese eggs. This thread is for others to post their candeling pictures I’ll be posting mine every few days. I have never incubated eggs before and decided to start with the expensive Sebastopol goose eggs because I am impatient and didn’t...
Preparing for this year's hatching season. This year I will be hatching eggs from my younger pullets and I fully expect most eggs to not develop considering they lay about one egg a day on average, so by the time I'll have enough to fill the incubator only about 7-14 out of 30 will have decent...
Hey guys I plan to hatch call ducks in the spring and I’ve never hatched eggs before. I wanted to do a practice run and just makes sure my set up and everything is good
A friend gave me 24 fertilized eggs and my incubator only holds 12. So is there any signs on which may be better? Does size...
Long story short ducks free roam and I just found there eggs.
I decided to candle them and I'm curious if this egg is bad? Should I remove all the eggs?
Hey! I rescued 6 wild geese eggs and I believe they were day 4 of development when I began incubating. It is now day 9. I think most are dead but I need confirmation and what might of occurred.
I will send pictures of day 4 and pictures of day 9.
Day 4–
6 pictures
Hello. I discovered 6 abandoned wild geese eggs scattered around the nest. The parent birds are gone and there obviously was a battle with some sort of predator, feathers everywhere. Went back the next day and no signs of parents. Took back the 6 eggs, put them under a heat lamp. How do I go...
This egg is 13 days old. I checked on it 2 days ago and it was moving. Now the blood ring seems stuck to the shell and I can't see the embryo anymore. Is it dead? Or is this normal for this stage of development?
Hi there. I'm attempting to hatch some chicken eggs currently and I have some questions. I just candled my 8 day old egg and it's looking like it should for that stage of development. Only issue, the veins and embryo in the center are not rotating/floating with the egg when I turn it, they seem...
Hey! I have an egg (incubation day 15) that I’m pretty sure isn’t developing but I don’t want to get rid of it if it is and I’m just not seeing it right! What do you guys think? It’s a dud, right?
Hello, It's our first time incubating in many years! Done it once before with much better luck! This time I bought a new incubator which worked great for the first 5 days then started fluctuating temp like crazy! We had it lower than 84 and as high as 104 for at least a short time.
I candled...
My eggs are set to ship & be picked up next week! I am setting 18 eggs, for an educational experience for DS! (& for fun 😊)
From Meyer I am getting:
3 EE
3 OE
From a local farm I am getting:
6 EE/OE BYM eggs (rooster has blue egg gene)
I added 6 local eggs in case shipping goes bad…want...
Hi. This is my first time incubating eggs. I am using a cheap chinese incubator, and thus the temps are not very uniform and I expect the mortality rate to be quite high. I am wondering, is this a blood ring? Should I discard this egg?