cape town

  1. Gill-b

    Anyone speak (Guinea) fowl language?

    The keet is constantly communicating with me through chirping - from the moment I say good morning to it, till the time the sun goes down. I have come to recognise some of its keet language and here are a few sounds I think I have managed to translate: 1. The sound it makes most often of all is...
  2. Gill-b

    Pics of Development Stages of Guinea Fowl?

    I am wanting to compare my keet's development (size) to the average keet to be reassured that it is growing as it should. I understand that there are a few factors that could influence a keet's development, but maybe there is a standard scale one can go on? I have been searching on this website...
  3. Gill-b

    Savage mini dinosaur - a day in the life of a keet.

    The keet (26 days old) showed me in person this morning, just what little savages fowls can be. It caught a gecko and, after knocking it about a bit, swallowed it whole. I already knew fowls to be so, but to witness it just a few inches from my eyes is a little... well... I can't think of the...
  4. Gill-b

    Indigenous Guinea Fowl rescued keet

    We have wild indigenous Guinea Fowl in our residential area, Cape Town, South Africa, and, along with occasionally having to help them out of tricky situations that they get themselves into in our neighbourhood yards, I recently rescued a day old keet which was distress calling from the next...
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