chick 2 month

  1. C

    Show rooster

    I have a chick that we're 90% sure is a rooster. I was told to not hold him as much so he stays friendly but I want him to be a show rooster so he needs to be used to being held and touched everywhere. What do I do?
  2. C

    Easter Egger Sex?

    Easter eggers....New to the breed and not quite sure the genders. One is for sure a cockerel but not certain on the other 3. Thanks for any help! (And sorry i couldnt get better pictures!)
  3. 6242.jpg


    Poland Hair Do!
  4. NinjaGamer2022

    Has anyone used layer pellets with supplements for chicks? Help appreciated.

    Chick starter is getting hard to come by where I live and more expensive. We have a flock of many chicks, 11 keets, and 2 goslings. My question is has anyone on here successfully fed layer feed to chicks and/or keets and/or goslings with supplements? We have started fermenting are feed to help...
  5. NinjaGamer2022

    Help appreciated - Would you mind sharing your homemade/custom chick feed?

    Me and my family own many chicks as well as some keets and goslings, ranging from a few months old to as young as ~1 week. Chick and Gamebird starter is becoming scarce where we are and we need a back up option for feeding are flock or we will have to cull birds we didn't want to. Help is...
  6. Diveks

    chick getting worse, amprolium not eliminating cocci

    So my chicks had bloody poop which had resolved by now, although these batch of chicks has had cocci twice and one of them is really lethargic, she will perk up when i give the amprolium the first few days but will detiriorate after. I want to take them to the vet but ive had the vet misdiagnose...
  7. My Baby Girl Sugar

    My Baby Girl Sugar

    Sugar is my Silver Laced Wyandotte
  8. chickees

    Please Help!! Chick has flesh sticking out of vent and is inflamed and always sleeping and lethargic...

    We have a 2 month old chick who we noticed hasn't been good over the past few days, so we took it in and started force feeding it electrolytes (with water). Then it got worse and had the flesh sticking out which we assumed is prolapse. We've been giving it epsom salt baths to help with that and...
  9. Blizzkona

    Chick twisting head around

    Something is wrong with my baby silkie. She's twisting her head around and was having a hard time walking. How do I help her? She's lethargic too, but reacts to stimulus and can pick her head up.
  10. Blizzkona

    My Four Chickens

    This is Cambria, my 5 month old bearded silkie/polish cross. She's a bit of a foodie and will peck my hands to see if I have any treats for her. I don't actually know if she or any of my chickens are females yet, but fingers crossed. ~ This is Blizzard, my non-bearded silkie/polish cross...
  11. C

    Baby chickens getting sick (possibly) and dying

    Hello, I’m currently raising chicken in my backyard with a mother chicken raising her young, a baby chick died the other day sadly and one looks like it’s not feeling well either. Can anyone tell me what’s wrong I have a picture of the current sick or lethargic one right now?
  12. R3M1X

    Swollen foot. ADVICE PLEASE~~

    So I have a light brahma. She is 7.5 weeks old and at first the issue was that she was being pushed away from the food and has become severely underweight and is 3× smaller than her two sisters of the same breed and age and even smaller than the smallest breeds I have that are a week younger...
  13. F

    Emergency please reply

    My chick is 8 week old and he had a blood in his stool yesterday and wasn't moving until a long time and today in the morning he is just lying down and doesn't have the power to get up or even move wings, what do I do?
  14. MarioBranwell

    Can someone help me figure the breed

    Okay so after my chickens death I got a new batch of chickens and they are almost 3 weeks old. They are kind of brown and white mix, But i do not know the breed of it. Can someone please help finding the breed, sex, whether it is crossed or not etc? I have attached the pictures.
  15. Anvaha

    Sexing my Maran Chicks - 10 weeks

    Hello, I am new to the chicken world and "inherited" a small flock of 3 chickens when I moved to the country side. I decided to grow my coop and incubated 5 little Maran Chicks out of 6 eggs. Now I am very confused as I don't know which sex they are having. No 1 - My brown chick turned into a...
  16. KikiDeAnime

    Chicks & Winter

    I have four 3 wk old chicks that I'm going to be keeping inside longer than I usually would. They have a 10 wk old chick inside with them that they've already bonded with so I'm not separating. At what age would they be able to go outside in winter? We got fall chicks last year but stuck them...
  17. LoveMyChickenBabies

    My chick has an air bubble please help!

    My chick that has a repository disease now also has a giant air bubble. I am so confused on what to do! I think I might lose her but not unless I have something to say about it! Is there anything I can do? (I will get pictures as soon as possible) she might even be lethargic, but I'm not sure.
  18. WildCHILD400

    Please help identify this breed!

    I rescued this young chickie from a barn. I think she is a pullet about 2 months old. My guess on the breed was golden comet or red sex link. I'm not sure about the breed so please comment any you think Piper may be!:jumpy:confused:
  19. Chickenunsernam

    I have a swollen up 2-month old hen?!

    Hi everyone. So I noticed one of my chicks was looking much bigger than the others and when I grabbed her I noticed how swollen her underside, her chest, and neck were. The area feel very soft as if they are full of liquid, yet she seems absolutely fine and she's eating very well. None of the...
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