chicken losing weight

  1. TundraGhost

    Heavy breathing and swollen abdomen (Video)

    Hi friends, I could use some thoughts if anyone has any. I detail it all down below, but aside from her breathing heavy sometimes and her swollen abdomen, I was doing some of my own research and I do wonder if one of her air sacs could be inflamed, as she has a lump on one side of her underside...
  2. Eva2020

    URGENT Hen Rapidly Losing Weight

    Hi everyone, My 2.5 year old leghorn hen started molting earlier this fall and I was worried when they were taking a while to grow back since my other hens didn't really molt, but she seemed fine otherwise so I didn't worry. Her feathers did start growing back, but I guess they never fully did...
  3. CoachDunn

    3 year old Isa Brown "Red," with watery poop and lost weight.

    "Red" has been slowly losing steam the last two weeks, losing weight, clear watery poops. She's three and has been in good health always, until now. For weeks at a time she n will lay the BIGGEST EGGS I have ever seen. 3 inches long and 2.25" thick. Lately eggs by her have been thin, infrequent...
  4. A

    Limping/thin/ Sweet hen

    My 3 yr old hen has been limping for many weeks now. Progressively getting worse. I’ve checked her 100 times for all the usuals, bumblefoot, mites, breaks, egg bound, etc. Nothing. The other hens pick on her if she gets too close. The roo sometimes bullies her. I have to either hand feed her or...
  5. slukeplass22

    Chicken Losing Weight

    Over the past week or so one of my two Buff Orpingtons has been losing weight. She is the biggest chicken I've ever had and was probably 8 pounds (beak to tail she is ~14") earlier. Now she weighs less, her keel bone is out by an inch, and I can feel her two breastbones. Below is a bunch of...
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