So, I bred some olive eggers this past year and decided to keep one. She's turned out to be a bit cracked-in-the-head. Instead of using the semi-private nest boxes everyone else is content to use (4 nest boxes ought to be enough for 8 laying hens, at least, that's what I thought), she has...
Hey y'all, I've been trying to figure out for the longest what breed my bossiest girl is! Her name is Chocobodia (Bo for short). She looks like so many breeds I find online, lol. In two of the pictures is our other og girl (defo Isa Brown, right?) who we call "Lady", but her full name is "Lady...
How many different descriptive words for chickens do you know? Words like chickies, pullets, fowl, etc.
I've heard/read people calling them chooks but I have no clue how/where that may have originated, do you?
hi everyone this is just for fun (and I’m kinda bored) so what are the names of your chickens or other poultry
My hens are beauty, brownie, goldy, midnight, pecky, sunset, yugy, star, onyx, strawberry, copper and chicky (I didn’t name all of those)
Okay! For anyone who is looking to name birds, there is now a thread! Some people know that I am good at giving pretty, fitting names to birds. My own bird’s names:
Everest, Melody, Pepper, June Bug, Nutmeg, Amber, Vanilla, Firefly, Salt, and Blue.
I really love naming things, and believe I am...
I just wondered what everybody else is naming their chickens after, such as favorite TV show characters, food items, etc. I named my first group of hens names that all end with the letter a, and my second group is named mostly after anime characters. Lol, show me your best names!
I finally got a good camera so it's time to share pictures of my flock! Let me just start by saying I have had chickens for years, but I fell in love with chicken keeping last year.
I allowed a broody NJ Giant to sit on her eggs, which I had never done before. I got my first chicks born on the...
:frowThis is a fun competition where you give me names for chickens and I pick the ones I like to use for my birds. I am going to need a lot of names have about 90 little chicks. :thumbsup
Here are some names for hens, Princess Layer and Doris Lay. For Roos Russel Crow and Buok Buok Rodgers. For both you could have Buok Choy. Who can come up with anymore? If so post it! And we can all laugh!
What is the most entertainment a chicken can give you? It's eating a treat. I would give my girls fruit and it was fun to watch them race around gathering up all the little pieces, racing each other to the next piece tossed on the ground. Last week I was clearing a wood pile when a medium size...
You might remember me posting a thread about weather to hatch chicks with a broody hen or an incubator. So we're using our hen Butterball and she is sitting on 19 eggs but only 10 our fertile. So I wanted to know if anyone has some tips on how to hatch eggs or what they do when they start...
Hello, BYC friends! I need some names for my chicks coming this March. I am getting the following breeds: 3 Americana (Americauna\Araucana), 4 Buff Orpington, 4 Barred Rock, 2 Golden Laced Wyandotte,3 Welsummer, and 2 Sapphire Gem. All female chicks... Also, how should I tell them all apart??
I am so excited to announce that I finally own chicks... four barred rocks to be exact. They are my favorite bird. I have named them Victoria (because Queen Victoria), Mary (Mary Queen of Scots), Gemini (gypsy theme), and Veronica (Ronnie for short cause I like the name). Do you guys have any...