chicks 1 week

  1. K

    Utah chicks for sale

    I am hatching and selling day-old chicks sold as pullets or straight run in Utah. If anyone is interested, hit me up. Black Copper Maran Blue Copper Maran Polish Americana Cream Legbar Sapphire Olive Egger Jersey Giant Red laced Blue Wyandotte Silver Laced Wyandotte Red Star White Leghorn...
  2. Q

    My chick seems to be losing weight

    Hello, I am new to posting here but I am a long time reader of this forum and you have all helped me with so much already. I am, again, in need of some assistance. I have a week and a half old Silkie chick. She was the only one to hatch out of her clutch when I purchased her and I now have her...
  3. S

    ❗ Care Routine for Baby Barn Swallow?

    hi!! This is mildly urgent. TL;DR, Has anyone successfully raised a baby barn swallow, and can give me advice about a proper feeding schedule, proper feeding amounts, and what to feed it? We have a barn swallow nest at the top of our chimney. Occasionally, baby birds fall down it and we...
  4. cncurtis13

    Week-old chicks…now other hen has gone broody

    We have a small flock of three hens and a rooster and are letting the hens hatch and raise their own chicks. We have three chicks being raised by two hens (they shared a nesting box and seem to be co-parenting well). The chicks are a week old. The other hen has now gone broody in a different...
  5. D

    Help with a Baby silkie chick

    My broody hen was sitting on some eggs that didn't hatch so I got some baby chicks. Born June 27th. One of them did not look well from the first day we got it. It wasn't moving much/ drinking or eating. I gave it some sugar water and cooked egg yolk and it took it. Fast forward it still alive...
  6. S

    Runny fishy poop?

    I'm raising a batch of chicks again, no problem as always, however I've noticed a bit more runny poops this time around. Like diarrhea no doubt. But it smells fishy this time. I don't know why as everything is exactly the same, same starter feed same electrolytes in their water with some...
  7. S

    Who can tell the gender of these 25 days old chicks? Plz give your thoughts on both of these pics

    Plz respond to this.
  8. D

    Free chicks

    Free barnyard mix chicks 1 week old 6 total Located in Whitby
  9. hrayb

    Week old chicks and broody hen

    Hi! We got 4 new chicks last weekend, so they are a little over a week old. We now have a first time broody hen. She’s been on the nest for about 3-4 days. We’ve been collecting eggs from her. But one day it was raining and 3 got left under her. So my question is- can we slip the new baby...
  10. R

    chicks breathing makes a clicking noise

    i’ve seen a few others talking about this but something i havnt seen any discussion on is this scenario. i got day old chicks last tuesday and they’re all active and healthy and learning fast. unfortunately no hens took to them so we’re just keeping them inside with a heat lamp and a little set...
  11. kachong

    New BYC Mama

    Hello! First time chicken mama up in Canada! Got a dozen barnyard mix eggs, which we incubated and had 9 successfully hatch (now down to 7 due to an untimely power outage :hmm) on April 20th! Excited to see what they end up looking like and laying, sharing the garden and hopefully some...
  12. ChicksandJacque

    Good Morning!

    Hi I'm Jacque, I've cared for grown chickens, but I've never raised chicks of my own. This fall I took the plunge and am finishing up my chicken coop and run. Coops just about ready for my chicks. My chicks are in a brooder in my house, warm and comfy. They are 3 1/2 week and 1 1/2 weeks old...
  13. M

    Week old chick has injured beak?

    Hi everyone! I recently hatched 6 lil chicks and today I noticed one of them has injured its beak. I will attach photo to this post. I cleaned it with some water and isolated him from rest of the chicks as they were pecking at it and possibly making it worse. There wasn't blood or anything in...
  14. M

    Mixing Ages of Chicks

    Ok so I have 6 - three week old chicks, 2 or 3 are hens, which i am keeping, the remaining Roosters are going to a friend who has a farm, I just hatched out 14 new babies today. I want to wait about a week and then move the new chicks - hens and 1 Roo in with the older hens so that I don't have...
  15. BroodyBambi

    Team Silkie Hatched 4 Eggs! Pics Below!

    Our 2 silkies hatched 4 little RIR (rooster) x white leghorn chicks. I’m really excited to see what these babies will look like. The ACTUAL mamas refused to sit on their eggs. I heard something about hens genetics being messed with so they won’t sit on their eggs. Is that true? Post pictures of...
  16. F

    Chick from TSC

    My wife and I ordered baby chicks, supposed to be all female, and we are on day 3 of raising them. Now that our chicks are more comfortable being held, we started trying to look at their wings to determine sex. We absolutely are not able to keep a rooster as it is not allowed in our city. Would...
  17. B

    BearBee Intro

    Hello!! I’m Bear4Bee (BearBee or Bear), I’m excited to join and geared with questions!! Are they relavent? Possibly! Are they about chickens? Right this second, absolutely! Shall we continue? Why not! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes and No. No: I have had a...
  18. E

    chicks getting wet when drinking

    my chicks (about a week old) keep getting water on their chests when they drink water. it doesn't seem to be bothering them all that much, but it happens. is this normal for chicks? are my babies just a bit stupid? should I be worried?
  19. Nicho

    New chicks from Meyer Hatchery 😊

    Shipped to CT successfully. Heating pack was still warm. Each pullet healthy, alert and content! One Frizzle Easter Egger, one Green Queen banty, and one Exchequer Leghorn. I’m sure you guys know who’s who! They will be joining my black Australorp/blue Orpington/Dominique crew! Trying...
  20. H

    New quail owner seeking advice on taming

    Cross posting from teh new members section! I recently got five quail chicks from a local farmer and Im very excited about them! Maybe a little too excited. I bought them for eggs but I also want to tame them so they aren't afraid of me. I have read different opinions about how to tame quail...
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