cinnamom queen

  1. O

    Hello from Vancouver Island!

    Hello! I'm new to having chickens. We got 4 day-old chicks on April 21, 2024. Two Crested Cream Legbars, 1 Cinnamon Queen and 1 black sex-link. They're all now 6 months old. We had an old garden shed in our backyard so we tore it down and rebuilt it into a coop and enclosed run. It's pretty...
  2. C

    Can anyone tell the sex of any of my flock or is it too early? They’re coming up on six weeks.

    Ive got a black silkie, salmon faverolle, buff and lavender orpingtons, a sapphire gem and sapphire egger, a gold laced wyandotte, silver laced polish, a cinnamon queen, and an americauna.
  3. girlandher15chickens

    New Chick Owner !!!!! Any Advice ? Some Questions as well.

    Hi Everyone , I just set up my account. I just got 6 new baby chicks about 2 weeks ago. So They are around 3 weeks old. I have 2 cinnamon queens , 2 rhode island reds , and 2 comets. All of my chicks are growing bum feathers, like a little tail, except one of my rhode island reds. She has a...
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