coop 4hens plans easy beginner

  1. P

    avian flu and used coop curiosities

    Hi, my wife and I are looking forward to getting into backyard chicken farming this spring but were just wondering if you'd recommend waiting until this rise in avian flu cases settles down a bit? We have been looking into used coops and have been careful to ask sellers about their history of...
  2. S

    New Member Intro

    Hello - I live in Spring, TX and am ready to get chickens. I live in an HOA so it will have to be discreet. I've had bees for 6 years in the past and now onto chickens. I'm stuck on how to build the right coop for this climate. We don't have a huge yard either. Was thinking of getting 4 bantams...
  3. Cortneyb

    I’m almost ready!

    Hey there! I have 15 silkies near Dallas and we’re almost ready to transition to the wild outdoors! We’ve had a couple of field trips out, but not any long term play dates with our new coop. My questions are- 1. What needs to be on the ground in the coop? Do I need to put pine shavings? 2. I...
  4. Kreg Built Coop

    Kreg Built Coop

    Hello Friends, My husband and I built this coop over 3-4 weekends. We found that the Kreg system of joinery was by far the fastest and easiest way to connect all the parts. No overlapping joinery was required and the joints are as strong as could be. If you position the bored holes to the...
  5. R

    Backyard Coop for Hen Layers

    Hoping to get an idea on a backyard coop. Hoping to hold about 6 to 8 hens. Trying to get an idea on a nice coop that's easy to clean and not back-breaking on my back. I am not sure if it's a better to build my own if I can find a plan or order a prefab unit. As a beginner, I didn't want to jump...
  6. Basia St Clair

    Coop-elation!!!! If I Can Do This, You Can Do This!

    Holy "insert-swear-word" insert-good-word" "dont-insert-anything" Call me naive, call me a little overeager, call me "New Chicken Owner Crazy", call me "COVID Bored to Tears"...........I'm just not sure what possessed me........but here we go..... I don't know which category to put my coop in...
  7. loveseramas

    I designed my own coop, easy to maintain.

    I hope it helps people like me that are not too strong and need something easy to maintain. I designed a coop that is 3 feet high and the floor I use wire so the poop goes down to the ground where I can easily use the rake and done. In winter I attach play wood at the bottom to protect the hens...
  8. C

    Choosing a coop design for 4 chickens

    My husband and I are trying to choose a coop design for 4 hens. Is it important to be able to walk into the coop?
  9. P

    How do we build a chicken coop in the San Francisco Bay area for out backyard four chicks?

    Please advise on the basic requirements for chickens in our area. The temp goes from 100 degrees F max in Summer down to 20 Degrees F in Winter. We have a backyard and a designated 4/8 coop, already started. The husband is building and we have different ideas of "what chickens want. Please...
  10. morgandrew86

    Let me see your 4 hen coops!

    Can i see what you guys have for smaller flocks, like around 4 hens :) We will be starting our build soon and im just not sure on the kind of coop we are going for. Never build one before so i need something easy to build... ive been searching for plans lately. The plans i can find all seem to...
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