
  1. 20241001_180329.jpg


    The chicken coop that my husband and I built over the summer of 2024.
  2. The Red Roost Inn!

    The Red Roost Inn!

    Which came first? The chicken or the Coop? It was early in 2023 that we felt it was urgent to have a backup plan for our food needs (eggs & maybe chicken). Food is one of the basics, right? We started researching chickens and have plenty of people in our area of the county that are experienced...
  3. Vadard

    Backwoods Open Coop

    I live in a hot, muggy climate (Gulf Coast) and am a big fan of open coop designs. This coop will be 12x30 overall with an 8x12 roosting area at the north end. The roosting area will have a single-slope metal roof and will have 1” pine board & batten siding on 3 sides. The south side of this...
  4. Vadard

    Poop-Thru Roost

    Does anyone here use a wire or hardware cloth panel under their roosting bars, so the poop falls through to the ground? I guess this is kind of like the opposite of a poop board. I live in a warm climate, so cold isn’t a concern. I was going to build a platform floor across the whole coop, but...
  5. Scareab

    Redesigning our coop!

    I'm very excited to start redesigning our old prefab coop since it is not ideal for the Texas weather. The biggest downfall was how the coop would turn into an oven during the summers due to the poor ventilation. My family and I pondered whether we want a dog or chickens again and we just love...
  6. Rolling Ridge Bantams

    My Coops!

    My Old English Game Bantam Coops!
  7. M

    Automatic Coop Door

    Hi all! What kind of automatic chicken coop doors is everyone using? We live in PA so the winters can get pretty cold and snowy and we are looking for something battery operated. TIA!!
  8. F

    Stall dry or dry stall??

    I’m going to be building a poop board for my peeps and unfortunately don’t have any sweet pdz for sale around me (that is unless I want to pay $40 to amazon or travel 45 minutes to the closest TSC) My local mill said they had stall dry or dry stall, can’t remember which one they said. I was...
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