cuckoo marans eggs

  1. Twelve chickens on the kitchen table....

    Twelve chickens on the kitchen table....

    This is a 'brain dump' of all my thoughts and actions of our first incubating and hatching journey - from receiving the eggs to popping the chicks into the brooder. It's purpose is for me to be able to look back on it for future hatches, and for others to be encouraged and hopefully learn...
  2. Cuckoo Marans egg

    Cuckoo Marans egg

  3. Cuckoo Marans

    Cuckoo Marans

    sadly lost on in shipping
  4. S

    Welsummer or Cuckoo Maran

    So I currently have a Welsummer and a Cuckoo Maran (both from a hatchery) who recently have started laying. From what I have read both should lay dark brown eggs. According to the hatchery I got them from “Marans lay the darkest eggs of any breed“ and Welsummer are know for “the production of...
  5. carolinebarnes

    Cuckoo Maran egg color

    Hi all! I am new to the site and have 22 week old cuckoo marans that I ordered from Murray Mcmurray hatchery in march. Can anyone send me pictures of their cuckoo maran eggs? I am so anxious to see what color their eggs might be. It's easy to find pictures of the black copper maran eggs but not...
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