Every time I take out the pink blanket, they know it's time for petting. If only I had ten hands to pet more. At this rate, there's only so many hours in the day...
Hi everyone 👋
so we have four flock members, 2 faverolles (salmon and bircher) and two warrens/goldlines. I’m wondering whether the goldlines are roos or pullets. I spotted what looks like the beginnings of a thin black tail feather on one yesterday and thought I should check. They hatched on...
I'd it possible to train a bantam to do things small birds/parrots would do? Just like come to me. Give affection. Perch on my finger and stuff like that? I have the cutest little Dutch bantam who is super friendly. And I wanna train her in some way.... any suggestions?
My chickens HATE being touched or grabbed, ever since they were babies, but they're oh so soft it felt so sad to leave those fluffy feathers alone. But suddenly yesterday my chicken squat when I came up to her and now I can pet her all I want! She's the cutest thing when she does it I feel like...
Hello, I rarely come on this site so as a little reminder my name is Lauren Adams I own four chickens. A Barred Rock, Buff Orphington, Silver Laced Wyandotte, and an Isa Brown. I am going to build a new coop so it can hold eight chickens it will be divided in half so they can't get to each other...
So I had two bodged hatches (incubator issues it turns out the new one worked!) but 10 days into my second hatch I got my first egg from a new frizzle rooster. I thought I could just put it in to find out if it was fertile or not. Turns out it was and even though he’d been through humidity hell...
We have had the amazing entries and now all you have to do is vote for the winner!
Names: Lupin & Chipmunk
Breeds: Standard Cochin & Old English Game Bantam
Owner: RoostersAreAwesome
Names: Anna & Dorothy
Breeds: OEGB & French Houdan
Owner: JaeG
These are my smaller barnyard mutts, heavy on the Olandsk Dwarf, bantam Barred Rock, and bantam Cochin blood. Sweet dispositions and easy to handle. Easy to hatch, they typically pip and zip with little fuss. Perfect for an urban homestead, these will lay a nice sized egg - two of these bantam...