
  1. KittyKat8828

    What predator would kill a duck, but not eat it

    I just stumbled upon on of my ducks killed by something. It happened during the day and there was a 10ft trail of feathers and practically no blood spilled. The front of the neck had been de-skinned. The rest of the body was completely intact and undamaged. She was also a very slow moving duck...
  2. thoeffel1994

    Predator identification?

    A predator keeps killing off my ducks and chickens one by one. First it got my rooster then my hen and now two of my ducks! I find the birds looking the same way each time I find them! Either with the head and neck missing or their head and neck still there with the neck stripped clean and...
  3. PBAndAlice

    Hen starved and I'm not sure why

    hi guys, so Cookie, the hen I was posting about in the summertime, ended up making a complete recovery after those threads - after a week of isolation, treatment for impacted crop, daily baths, and pellet/egg mash, she brightened up and acted normal and healthy, and I put her back w the others...
  4. RossAcres

    The Hunt for Mystery Predator

    So I have had the occasional predator come through my electric fence and kill something. The first time it was something that came in and took off the heads of 6 quail. I realized it was because I left a tree standing that was accessible from the other side of the fence. I removed that tree and...
  5. AmeraucanaChicken

    Mini-Classic Turkey Possibly Dying

    Around two or three years ago we bought two mini-classic turkeys with plans to eat them for Thanksgiving. Unfortunately that did not work out, and we ended up keeping them. Around a year ago one of the turkeys died from sour crop due to eating orchard grass, but we still have the second...
  6. E

    Two of my chickens died in a month span.

    So we got our first 5 chickens from a neighbor who no longer could take care of them. The next year we added 8 more because we weren’t sure how old the first 5 were (6-7 years maybe older). Now two of the older one have died within a month. They did seem sick or weren’t showing any signs of...
  7. L

    First Time Broody, All Died

    I had a 1 year old Buff Orpington go broody a few weeks ago. She started with 9 eggs and they all died despite her being very faithful - wondering what happened and how we can improve next time. I’m thinking possibly the heat (has been 100+ degrees here in Alabama and very humid) as well as...
  8. S

    Dead egg?

    All the rest have hatched while we were on vacation )we had someone watching them.) except this one. We figured it’d hatch out by now we collected these all about the same time. But to me it kinda looks like it stoped growing but I’m not too sure how to tell and the dark kinda blood spot on...
  9. sscaria

    AFRICAN DWARF FROG something’s wrong with them???

    on friday i set up a brand new 20 gallon tank, let it sit with water conditioner. set up a water filter and tank heater (80° F) with thermometer. Saturday i bought three molly fish, three ghost shrimp, three algae eaters and three ADF (african dwarf frog). i set up gravel, some live plants and...
  10. E

    Duck died

    Hey, I have five ducks and haven’t had any issues with them, really. They are about a year and held old. A few months ago one became egg bound and it took a few hours and she was fine after laying. Then the other day I had another one become egg bound and she was fine within an hour. I just went...
  11. Bartonsfinest

    RIP gizzard the grey 😭

    One of my hens passed away last Friday 😭 I haven't even had her a year yet. Gizzard the grey Friday around 630 pm I put the girls away for the night made sure they had food and gave them fresh water. All 5 girls were happy and healthy I gave each of them a rub on their chest and said I love you...
  12. D

    Sudden death of two chicks?

    Hey all, This is our third time getting chicks and have never experienced anything like this. We got new chicks last Friday, a couple of days ago we separated a chick out because her toe was bent out and we needed to splint it until it had time to heal (the other chicks wouldn't leave the...
  13. F

    Two young hens dead within a week - no idea what's happening

    I've had a flock of twelve since July 2022 when I got them all as chicks. Everyone was healthy and happy all this time until last Friday when I lost my first girl, an Easter Egger, unexpectedly. I came home from work and she was lying dead in the run like she'd just fallen over. I looked her...
  14. T

    What killed my turkey? Everything gone except neck and head.

    Does anyone know what predator could have killed my turkey. One of my bourbon red hens was in a bush dead. I have a flock of ten turkeys • Only the head and neck were left, however it was seemingly untouched aside from being pulled off of the body • The feathers were not too scattered, but there...
  15. thoeffel1994

    Another duck found dead in the coop! Neck feathers wet?

    Yesterday I went to let my ducks inside and found another duck dead in the coop. Its neck feathers were wet and nothing was even eaten. I still have no clue what would have done it. The coop is fenced in so It couldn't have been a dog. I've had a ton of rat snakes recently would it do...
  16. R

    Button Quail playing dead??

    So sometimes my button quail will randomly do like a dying squawk and then just flop onto the ground. Like full on head splat on the ground, body flat, like he died and just went "bleh". Idk how to explain it, but his head lays flat on the ground. Scares the hell out of me, but when I approach...
  17. Skipper Carnes

    Duck sitting on 4 duck eggs, don't know how long they have been there?

    Hey BYC friends, my duck, Cocoa, has been sitting on 4 duck eggs. We found her today in the woods on her nest. I have no idea how long she has been there, but I think she is trying to collect a clutch. How do I relocate her to a safer location?
  18. Indianrunner123

    Drake killed.....and ate his fellow duck??

    Hey! So bit of a strange one. My brother keeps little call ducks and drakes, he has this one drake who killed all his children by drowning them once, drowned his partner and now.....................I discovered last night he had killed a fellow call duck....and...em...ate her? Like yesterday...
  19. S

    1 dead, 1 sick, 6 others. please help

    I have 8 chickens - 6 are about 8 months old, and 2 are over 2 years. Let me preface by saying I went to get feed yesterday and accidentally bought pellets when I usually get crumble. I threw it all away because I fear this killed and made them sick somehow. I've given them crumble every day...
  20. kanami

    my hen dropped dead :(

    i was at work today, went on my break to see one of my younger siblings texted me from home saying one of our chickens wasn’t responding, i called and they were freaking out. so my mother went outside and was digging a hole in the yard when in her peripheral vision she saw a bird just hit the...
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