dead baby chicks

  1. A

    Chick dead after partial zip of shell

    Can someone help me figure out what happened with this baby. Last to PIP, (everyone else had hatched) pipped early morning and was partially zipped by lunch but the membrane was still in tact. No cheeps or movement for 5-6 hours so I decided to check egg. It looks like something weird on its...
  2. O

    I need Opinions on what animal could have killed our chickens

    So today out by the coop, one of our new young chickens got decapitated and left in the coop. Maybe all of our other chickens scared the predator off so it wasn’t able to take the corpse with it, but I don’t know. However this also happened last year with one of our other batches of chickens. We...
  3. ChickenKeeper43

    Why Did My Chick Die?

    Posting a link to reddit because I can’t upload a video here:
  4. beautifulchick

    worms in 1 month old bantam chicks please help me save them (warning: pictures)

    Hi everyone, I have 3 bantam chicks, they born 1 month ago, they were 4 but one of them died three days ago, and I discovered a heavy infestation of worms in her little intestines, now I know all of them have it (the parents and 3 chicks remaining) because I saw in their droppings eggs or...
  5. TyRi

    Chick Casualties

    I got my first order of chicks yesterday. 1/5 sapphire gems was gone pretty much on arrival and 2/5 speckled sussexs were gone within the hour even after trying my best to kickstart them. Only super sturdy ones were my starlight green eggers. Woke up this morning to 2 more sapphire gems and 2...
  6. G

    Silkie x Cheshire Blue chick mortality (in and out of shell) ..Crest genetics?

    Hello all, I'm here with a sad case and some questions about genetics. I have several female Cheshire Blues that I've had and bred for the past few years. By the way I do not use an incubator, all of our chicks are always hatched under a couple broody hens, usually the same ones. The CB's have...
  7. ShellBell73

    Sad Day

    So we knocked the clutches down from 55 to 30. The 30 are definitely developing chicks; at many stages!!! This morning I went out to check again and picked in the fresh eggs. No baby chicks in the broody mama boxes so came back in and was going to have a little breakfast. I cracked open one of...
  8. G

    Chick pipped egg then died. Upon opening it hadn’t popped the air sac though.

    Hello! New here so I need some advice. I’m incubating chickens for the first time after mainly just doing quail. I ordered eggs on eBay and noticed an egg a little cracked on the outside but thought it’d be ok in the incubator ( might’ve been my first mistake ). Things go smoothly and I go into...
  9. C

    6 Week Old Chick Suddenly Dies

    Hello, We ordered 15 Dominiques from Hoovers, 10 female, 5 male. They were hatched June 1st. When checking them this afternoon, I found one of the males dead. There were no signs of a predator; no dropped feathers, apparent wounds, the other chicks were acting normally. All of them, including...
  10. D

    Help needed ! Cannibalism in 2 month old hens

    Hello ! Hoping someone could help me out. I have 45 young hens and possibly some roos hatch date April 8th, that were living inside until yesterday when I moved them to a 10x10 coop( they were getting too big). It was cold last night so I put on the heating lamp. ( white light) my red bulb had...
  11. THEChIcKeNwhisperer354


    This is a warning to silky lovers. I hatched 25 silky chicks and all was good. Until I put 6 guinea keets in with them. They were the same size and at first nothing was wrong. Overnight the guineas had accedently killed 22 chicks. They squished them not on purpose though 3 where left the 3 still...
  12. TARDIS37379

    Dead Chicks

    I ordered 36 Buff Orpington female chicks and 3 males. I spent time having everything ready and the brooder clean and set up for them. When the box was opened 18 were dead. The box had a divider in the middle and one side were happy and healthy and the other side was a pile of dead chicks. The...
  13. E

    4 day old chick died. Looking for some answers if possible.

    Hi everyone. I am really devastated right now. I only bought 4 and she was an easter egger bantam from MPC. She was 4 days old. When we got her, she was the most hyper, explorative one. She chirped so loud it gave me a headache sometimes. She was so hyper! Climbing everywhere. Then she just...
  14. XtashaX

    HELP are my eggs dead?

    Hello everyone. Is anyone able to help me??.. So I have a bit of a disaster. My silkie has been sitting on her eggs. 3 of them. I candled them and everything is fine. Good development ect. so then the eggs were collected by accident on Xmas eve And were put in the egg basket in the house...
  15. Enya2000


    Hello everyone, I just signed up because I need your help. I have had a first go at incubating quail eggs! So far 5 have hatched out of 20, they are all healthy except for one day started hatching on day 19 and couldn’t get out of the shell two days later, it was completely open but couldn’t get...
  16. Quailberries

    I’m completely at a loss

    Ok, where to start... My family recently decided to get backyard chickens, and got out first flock of four pullets on March 30th. It has been not even 2 weeks and we are now down to two... kind of. Our EE chick was quickly found to have a really horrible cross beak, and thanks to the help of a...
  17. Maria Meunier

    5 week old baby chicken found dead

    My new baby chickens were doing great until this morning. They are 5 weeks old and they have been spending time outside with our California warm days and coming in at night. Sadly this morning I found one of them had died sometime between 11 pm last night and 7 am this morning. It was warm out...
  18. tjo804

    WARNING, PIC OF DEAD EMBRYO ?Can anyone help determine What day did I loose it.

    We are at day 16. This embryo was moving in the egg, but when I candled day 14 no movement. I traced the dark not moving spot in the egg on she'll with a pencil. It did not move or grow. The blood ring looked darker today As I am trying to learn, I opened the egg the embryo was dead but I am...
  19. N

    Baby Chicks Dead - Not Sure What Happened

    I am brand new to raising chickens. We moved to a house with 2 acres that already had a chicken coop. Since our three year old son is obsessed with animals we bought him some chickens from Tractor Supply at Easter. We bought 8. One died after a couple days and two got eaten by the dogs before we...
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