This has been a really fun journey, and I’d like to share it with you while also keeping a short account of my experiences. I’ll try not to be long-winded, but I’m enjoying myself, so I hope you enjoy this as well.
My current breeding project involves crossing Bielefelder roosters with Enhanced...
So my Russian Orloff rooster mixed with 3 of my chickens and my broody silkie/Easter egger mix hatched them in the spring. They turned out so pretty! Haven’t seen a lot of Orloff mixes posted here so thought I’d share some pics.
Ended up with a Delaware / Orloff who is huge, Copper Maran /...
Hi! Tinkie (also known as Tink, Tinkie Winkie, Tinkie Birb) is my 10 month old Delaware. From the day we brought her home as a tiny little fluff ball we knew there was just something special about her. She was so friendly and outgoing that I was sure she would end up being a rooster! Eggs a few...
Just wanted to share my awkward and gross encounter with one of my Delawares a few moments ago. A few of my chickens love to hop up on my lap and get some cuddles in when I’m in the coop. My Delaware, Willow, does this the most. This morning she hopped up and I gave her a hug like always except...
I have a two year old ISA Brown Rooster I've had for a while now. He has alot of red in him. I wanna make sex Link chickens. Could I use him with Delaware hens and create red sex links? Does he have enough red? Thanks a ton!!
Hello everyone!
I'm Lindsay and I'm in Delaware... Home of the blue chickens (lol)
I have 5 ducks as of now... Last week I had 4.... I have 2 year old male and female Khaki Campbells, a female Rouen and a female Cayuga/Pekin cross... And then last week, I went into the pen to feed the crew...
This chick is 3-4 weeks old & has been extremely brave & fearless from day 1, pecks a lot, and jumps up on anything it can.
I’ve joked that it has a rooster personality however am now wondering if it really is. Speckled black and white feathers, larger comb than the others, although it’s more...
Greetings from the DC metro area! In February I purchased a small brood of female chicks, hatched February 26. One turned out to be a male. I planned to rehome him alone, however, he has really impressed me with his bravery, intelligence and demeanor. I'd rather try to find a home for them as a...
I’ve posted my sweet Delawares a couple times at different ages. They’re roughly 11 weeks old now and I REALLY want to finally give them names 😁
What does everyone think?
Hi! I have four babies that I want to play hen or roo with :)
Two Delawares, at LEAST 9 weeks old but I don’t know for sure how much older than that they might be. I think they were at least a week old when I got those two. The two buffs are 8 weeks old.
So idk what the buffs are, they were...
Got two Delawares a few weeks ago, just curious if anyone has thoughts on this one’s gender. I don’t know exactly how old they are, I’m guessing they were about a week old when I brought them home which would put them around four weeks now. I only put pictures of one because the other won’t pose...
Ok this is an odd request to make, but here goes.
I'm in southeast Delaware.
I have many Homing Pigeons, but one is a special needs...sweet Ziggy, with the zig-zag cross beak. It's so bad she cannot feed herself. So I hand feed her daily 2x a day, about a teaspoon of pigeon grain, some grit...
Trying to help a friend figure out the sex. Bird was bought as a straight run chick from a feed store. 12 week old Delaware. I’m leaning towards cockerel but that is still a small pink comb…
Bought these 6 chicks May 30th from tractor supply. No labels were there so I had no idea what I was getting. The all were yellow but two had a single black dot and seemed a tad bigger than the other four. They have gotten whiter and whiter with a couple black spots showing up and have grown so...
I have 4 Delwares about 12/13 weeks old. I keep going back and forth on if I have 1 rooster (black tail feathers) or 3 roosters (speckled tail feathers). Help please!
Hi, trying to start new flock with sex-linked hybrids. Delawares x Rhode island reds. Several years ago, i read an article BYC about a breeder that was improving their deleware flock for both eggs and meat. Anyone know the name and info of this breeder. Any recommendations on excellent...
I'm hoping to find some people to help me with sex linked chickens.
Would a Cream Legbar x Barred rock hen make sex linked chicks? Any idea what they would look like? I'm hoping for colorful roosters.
Cream Legbar x Delaware?
Cream Legbar x Silver Laced Wyandotte?
Cream Legbar x Columbian...