diagnosis needed

  1. OliviaKenobi

    Sick Rooster. His behavior is different, not crowing, and puffed up with neck sunken in. (Pictures)

    Hey, I let my flock out to free range today which they often do but noticed my Rooster (1y/o) seems sick and I say this because he hasn't crowed all day and that is not typical along with his behavior being sluggish and keeping to himself and not really guiding his ladies or making sounds for a...
  2. pickledhill

    2.5 month old Bonita not walking well—losing will to eat/drink:(

    Our girl Bonita (Lavender Orpington): We made a huge mistake at the beginning by putting straw around the inside perimeter of their brooder. The primary substrate was wood flakes, but we wanted to insulate them with it being November cold. We quickly learned that it was too slick for their baby...
  3. Sparrow-Song

    Rooster Respiratory Issue -- Need Diagnosis Help Please!

    Hi! It's been forever since I've been on here, and I wish the first post back was for fun, but I noticed one of my roosters, Cheeto (a Whiting True Blue, around two if I remember correctly, seems to be an okay weight but he is currently molting) is sick and I know that respiratory things can be...
  4. Fluffydoodlebutt

    Help Diagnosing Sick Young Rooster: Doesn't walk, laboured breathing, liquid drips from beak...

    Hi, I'll try to include every bit of information that I can think of. Any suggestion is appreciated... We are chicken newbies, very little experience; live in the tropics, with a lot of heat and humidity this rainy summer season. Our chickens mostly free range. Around 4-5 months ago a few had...
  5. Z

    My Chicken Is Sneezing And Has Foam In 1 Eye, But Is Acting Healthy

    Hi everyone my Frizzle Silkie mix has been sneezing for a bit but she has been acting normal so I thought nothing of it. I use a scratch with a lot dust, so I thought the sneezing was because of that. Today I noticed one of her eyes had foam in it, so I immediately isolated her. I also took out...
  6. Y

    The poop of my baby chicks seems to have blood in it. Is it really blood?

    I got a couple of baby chicks for the first time, and the poop of one of my Rhode Island reds seems to be pink. Could this be blood? The poop in the first picture has a red spot in it. This chick also seems to eat less than the others and has less energy (not lethargic though). Could this be...
  7. C

    Help - sick hen

    Good evening people, I am new to both this site and backyard chicken raising. I have 4 hens and last night I noticed 1 hen stood alone in coop sleeping (she is usually the boss) this morning she is very lethargic, her comb is now flat, won’t eat, did not lay an egg today, has a runny nose...
  8. Kimmyh51

    Respiratory symptoms video attached anyone had ducklings/chicks like this?

    Video (please ensure sound is up) Sorry you can’t see much,it would have disturbed them to shine a torch on them to light up the ducklings more (my lights are on inside but their container is in shadows) but to be isnt there isn’t much to see, it’s what you can hear. The duckling is in the...
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