dirty bottom

  1. PBAndAlice

    Diarrhea, lethargy, and not eating

    Hi guys, one of my Tractor Supply Easter egger hens, ~3 years old, has been lethargic since yesterday morning, looks like she hasn't been preening her tail, and she has watery diarrhea and her fluff is all dirty from it. Her comb got paler than usual (she's always had a big floppy comb though)...
  2. D

    Poopy bottoms

    I have two 3-year-old Golden comets which have very dirty bottoms. I've soaked them in warm water to clean them, but it comes back. They act normal (eat, peck, poop), one lays very large eggs, but the other hasn't laid any eggs in about a month. Is it because they are considered "old" for their...
  3. Mariakoltsa

    Lincospectin 100 dosage? Omphalitis

    hello ! Quick question as its already too late probably. Baby chick assisted hatched. About 5 days old now. Had a swollen belly i thought might have been normal from the yolk sack. went a bit smaller but one half of her belly still swollen plus the dried belly 'cord' stump still attached. she...
  4. AChickenBoi

    Tips for washing a Silkie hen’s bottom?

    I don’t know if this fits on this thread, but there wasn’t a category specifically for feather care/ grooming. My Silkie hen is 4 years old, going on 5 by next May. She’s perfectly healthy, but can’t seem to reach her vent to groom her butt. It’s to the point that she gets irritated by the...
  5. ECrow

    How do I tell if my hens have worms?

    Recently I’ve been noticing some unusual poop in my coop. It’s runny and yellow/green and a few of my hens bottoms have been getting dirty. One of my hens has completely stopped laying and her face is looking a bit pale. Is it possible that she has worms? How do you tell if that is the issues...
  6. italktochickensTX

    Chicken with a dirty bottom

    I have a speckled Sussex hen (2 years old) with a notoriously dirty bottom. I tested a fecal sample from the flock for parasites and none were found. She is laying normally and otherwise acting normal. Over the winter this same hen kept shaking her head but that seems to have stopped. I...
  7. Countryhippie

    My hens have a very dirty butt.

    I have four hens all around 6 1/2 months old. They are all laying eggs completely normally and eating fine. It seems like out of nowhere my hens developed really dirty butts. What could be causing this? And how can I treat it?
  8. M

    Chicken with a dirty bum?

    I have a chicken (around 2y.o.) in my flock of 4 that has started to lose her neck feathers and the feathers on her back end are getting very dirty. Noticed loss of neck feathers and dirty bum a few days ago (we just had a heat wave for 3 days, around 100F). Her behavior is still normal, eating...
  9. E

    Chronic Diarrhea in Hen

    I have a 3 year old Easter egger who has always had runny stool. As a chick she was healthy and clean, but she had runny stool. She’s still acting fine and laying fine, but her feathers around her vent are caked with poo and I can’t get it out. She’s been to the vet and did a round of...
  10. WhiskeyShadow

    Can't walk, acting lethargic, wasting away, poopy butt

    1) Easter Egger Hen, 2 yrs old, getting thinner by the day/significant weight loss 2) Not her normal self, not joining the flock (free range), staying close to coop, puffed up/cold looking, laying down, unable to stand, falls over everytime she tries to stand. Less mobility with each passing day...
  11. filmcmahon

    Lethargic Chicken with Dirty bottom

    Hi all. I have 11 month old silkie bantam hen that has all of a sudden had a decline in health. we feed her and her two flock mates a local farm store’s poultry blend and keep their water clean, and then give table scraps every so often. she was laying up until two days ago. she still scratches...
  12. cpowell411

    In the nest box for the night?

    Hi, my hen (huge all black with irridescent feathers, breed tba) is about 3 years old and has had a dirty bottom recently. Whitish stuff around her vent. She lays eggs occassionally, but has never been a constant reliable layer. Today, she was laying on the ground more. Tonight, she ia back in...
  13. Lyranonamous

    Bloated, slow moving chicken with dirty butt

    We noticed a Saturday AM that a three yr old Speckled Sussex looks like a balloon and was moving very slowly. A few hours later she was lying down when the other 9 were not. I did as much research as I could and decided to give her a bath because her butt was dirty and maybe it was vent...
  14. A

    Hen with Dirty Bottom

    I have a 4 year old BO with a very dirty bottom. Looking for insight to get her cleaned her up in cold weather. What's the best way to clean and dry before she goes back out. Also I think she has stopped sleeping on the roost bar and that may be part of the problem, any suggestions as to why...
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