distress chirping

  1. E

    2 week old baby chick is weak, but fighting to stay

    Hello, We got 12 rainbow layers from Meyer on 12 May, and all had been thriving. Yesterday, I noticed our littlest girl (who is actually quite little still) is very lethargic. She can stand and walk, but prefers to lie down, and does cheep normally still. She’s not cuddling with her siblings...
  2. anartist

    Moving on up

    Not new to having backyard hens, however, only the second time I’ve raised baby chicks. One week ago bought a dozen week old baby chicks from a farm. The 5 sq. Ft. set up had everything they needed then, but they soon needed more space. Moved them to a improvised 64 sqft space in an attached...
  3. S


    My chick is 8 days old. It is smaller than the rest and can be very loud. He had feathers but not much. He has struggles with walking as the umbilical cord got wrapped around his leg bu I managed to pry it off so hopefully he will improve. Do you reckon that there is another issue because he...
  4. SunnyFLChick

    Chick sitting and gasping

    Help please! Picked up 4 chicks from TS on Saturday. There was some pasty butt. Brought them home and got everyone cleaned up. All went well for a few days. They were all active and eating. This morning I could hear distressed cheeping from the brooder. The smallest one was sitting on the...
  5. S

    Day old chick with droopy wings and wobbling around

    I have a chick who is about a day old. It is not acting like the other chicks that have hatched. It constantly has its wings spread out (and drooling) and can only bring them in when I gently hold them in. The chick cannot walk, it just wobbles around. And when it tries to walk, it trips over...
  6. H

    About the Same Chick

    Hi this is the same chick about my other question. The chick is maybe 6 days old now and something new has occurred. Since this chick was a surprise we warm up 3 bags of water and put towels on top so the bags stay warm throughout the night. But today I went to a massage and a small errand for...
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