
  1. ShrekDawg

    Rat Terrier Appreciation Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I’ve done appreciation threads for a lot of other breeds lately but not this one yet I don’t think!!!!!!!! SO!!!!!!! Here it is!!!!!!!!!! RAT TERRIERS!!!!!!!!!! Adorable and perfect little dogs LOL
  2. B

    Planning Our First Backyard Flock & Dog Fence – Advice Welcome!

    We are moving to a property in March with one acre and are starting to plan out our backyard space. It has been fun and exciting to think through, but I would love to hear everyone's experiences and words of wisdom! Current Coop Plan We’re planning to build a 6'x18' coop similar to the Carolina...
  3. ShrekDawg

    Doberman Appreciation Thread!!!!!!!!!!

    This thread is for all things DOBERMAN!!!!!!!!!!! Both purebreds and mixes are welcome as long as they have at least SOME Doberman in them!!!!!!! So feel free to share stories, pictures, breed info, whatever!!!!!!!!! Have fun!!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!
  4. ShrekDawg

    What Dog Breed Do You Want Today!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    THIS THREAD IS JUST FOR FUN!!!!!!!!! PLEASE BE NICE TO EVERYONE AND FOLLOW ALL BYC RULES!!!!! NO FIGHTING OR DRAMA!!!!!! As I’m sure a lot of you already know, most, if not all, dog lovers have A LOT of breeds that they would want to own eventually and that list can change as the years go on...
  5. Lemon-Drop

    Dog Insurance Recommendations?

    Hey y'all, I'm looking to get pet insurance for my dog, Bridgette. I know that it might seem unnecessary or overkill, but it feels worth it to me since she's my service dog and has a lot of time, energy, and training put into her. Not to mention our friendship :love Anyway, I'm just looking...
  6. ShrekDawg

    Corgi Appreciation Thread!!!!!!!!!!

    This thread is for all things CORGI!!!!!!!!! Please feel free to share your corgis here whether they are Pembroke Welsh Corgis, Cardigan Welsh Corgis, or even just a corgi mix, etc. etc. ALL CORGIS ARE WELCOME!!!!!! Please share pictures, stories, breed info, etc. etc. And…… Go!!!!!!
  7. ShrekDawg

    What is considered basic obedience!?

    This is just for curiosity sake and discussion. What do YOU consider basic obedience for a dog!? As in, what commands are essential for them to know. And what commands are basic obedience versus tricks!? To me, basic obedience includes sit, stay, down, come, and heel and/or loose leash...
  8. ShrekDawg

    Sheltie Appreciation Thread!!!!!!

    I’ve posted about just about every other breed out there including several of the other herding breeds like Border Collies and Aussies but I wanted to make one dedicated solely to SHELTIES (Shetland Sheepdogs) because I think they’re really neat little dogs and deserve their own thread LOL and I...
  9. ShrekDawg

    What Is Your Pet’s Name and What WERE They Going To Be Named!?

    Like the (very long) title says, I’m curious to know if anyone has a pet that originally was going to be called something different from their current name. Maybe they came with a name and you hated it or maybe you just couldn’t decide on a name and it took a bit to choose, etc. I’m curious...
  10. ShrekDawg

    Australian Shepherd (Aussie) Appreciation Thread!!!!!!

    I think I might have already made an Aussie thread but it was a long time ago and I lost it and it totally died so I’m making a new one. Plus it was more about breed info anyway and I want this one to be more appreciation of the breed, stories, pictures, etc., etc. Though of course breed info is...
  11. ShrekDawg

    What kind of dog do you have!?

    Like the title says, what kind of dog do you have!? Please share and feel free to post pictures if you want!!!! I’m just curious. Please and thank you!!!!
  12. RossAcres

    Ivermectin Pour On on Dogs?

    I use Ivermectin Pour-On for mites and lice on my birds. I was wondering, can I use it for dogs? What would be the dosage? I was going to buy a flea collar for my new LGD, but if Ivermectin works, I can use that since I have it on hand. Also, does anyone use SafeGuard dewormer for horses on...
  13. RossAcres

    Adopting an ADULT LGD tomorrow

    So if you have seen my posts about my predator issues, you'll know why I've decided to adopt a LGD. Her name is Cotton. Cotton is an 8 year old LGD that has been raised with birds her whole life. She has always lived outside and refuses to ride inside cars or go inthe house. She takes her job...
  14. P

    Teach dog to stay away from chickens

    my chickens roam my yard. they are SUPER friendly and come right up to anyone or anything that goes in the yard. they will even 'bow' down submissively to let you pet them (i have pet them since they were chicks). ie they dont run away from you when you come in the yard I just got a new...
  15. M

    Mourning my male quail 😞

    Two days ago I found a scalped male on the cage with only males i separated two weeks ago. Thinking my oldest quail was the culprit I isolated him and the scalped quail to heal. The next day another scalped quail. At this point I was like who tf. So I took the quail out and only one quail was...
  16. ShrekDawg

    Grooming Thread!!!!!!

    This thread is for anything dog (or I guess cat? LOL) grooming related!!!! I know some people here are really into grooming so I thought I would make a grooming thread. You can share before and after pics, tips, products, whatever you want related to grooming and within BYC rules. Thanks...
  17. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Feeling Guilty - Can't Free Range as Much

    So, our new neighbors have a large dog who they claim they have an invisible fence and e-collar for, but they've been here over a week and still don't have anything set up to keep him on the property (though they have plenty of time to buy ATVs, and ride them all over the property all day)...
  18. B

    Foxes and raccoons

    I just switched my set up to accommodate more birds (currently have 3 adults but 4 juveniles and 4 babies in the brooder). I had a large horse wire fence very predator proof cage that I took apart. Now I have a 10X10 chain link fence with a tarp zip tied to the top (it’s not fully tied at the...
  19. IMG_0686.jpeg


    Spot the odd one out !
  20. I Love My Life 🐾

    I Love My Life 🐾

    “Balls, Balls, Play, Play, Play, Food, Balls, Food, Play”
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