
  1. Rondack

    Amazing spring video

    This video will premiere tonight....
  2. Rondack

    Isn't this cool!

  3. Rondack

    My drone crashed :(

    I have often avoided crashes before...
  4. Rondack

    My new hobby, drones

    I recently got into drone video making, I started a channel: MKurrPhoto Here are some of my best videos:
  5. Rondack

    Making drone videos....

    Recently I got into making drone videos, here are some of them:
  6. Rondack

    Video of my geese!

    Here is a video of geese and ducks that I filmed with my drone:
  7. Rondack


    Anyone else here from the adirondacks?
  8. Rondack

    Following geese and ducks with a drone

  9. Lazy Farmer

    Drone Camera flying Over My Chickens

    Edited footage from yesterday of a drone brought over by a friend during a BBQ get together. Had a bunch more footage of the pigs and goats but you have to join me at Backyard Herds to see them.. lol. The view is of my Breakfast Egg house and 2 of my breeding houses. Not very exciting but...
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