drunk chicken

  1. L

    My rooster is walking like he’s drunk and crowing like he needs to cough.

    Hey, I’m currently treating my flock for worms and what I thought is coccidiosis, my rooster is on treatment for 5 days he improved a little, he doesn’t have explosive diarrhoea with blood in it anymore (he used to), his legs doesn’t shake as they did before but he’s still weak, he used to fall...
  2. cluckadoodledoo13

    Eggs not moving

    I’ve got 4 fertile eggs in my incubator, they’ve reached day 17 today and i haven’t seen any movement. Does this mean that somethings happened? Do eggs always have to move? The humidity has caused a few issues but i’ve read that it should be fine as some people dry incubate their eggs. Do you...
  3. B

    Stumbling chicken

    Hey guys! I’m new here and we need help! One of my about 6-7 mo lavender Orpington hens is stumbling around, off balance. Anytime she leans forward to peck or tries to walk/run, she ends up falling face first. She often flaps to sit back up and seems to go backwards better than forward. She...
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