duck limping

  1. AngelinaThePekin8

    My 6ish year old Cayuga duck has a serious limp I don't know why

    Totoro: is a Cayuga duck and is about 6 or 7 years old she's had four ducklings she recently just hatched two of them so was recently broody about 3 ish weeks ago. Weight: about 6 lbs (whatever is normal for her breed) Feed: All flock, and layer feed I don't give any supplements but hope to...
  2. J

    New here have a question about possible duck injury

    I just bought a house and the previous owner left his 3 pet ducks here. We’ve never owned ducks but I’m determined to learn all I can to properly care for them. It doesn’t seem he knew much about ducks either, they were for his kid but never handled just sorta there. The oldest duck, a Pekin...
  3. A

    Help please, a new limp

    Hi again everybody.. I have another duck that has started limping today. After examining her feet I did notice on her left there is a flat red area.. it is not raised, there is no “center” to it.. It just looks like a red splotch. Any ideas please? What should I do for it?
  4. A

    Which would you use?

    Hi everyone, I have a welsh harlequin that has had walking problems since birth. She just seems to walk stiff legged, if that makes sense. No bending, just straight, stiff stomps. A couple weeks ago she started limping and pretty heavily. She had to use her wings to stand and even then she...
  5. R

    Infection in his leg please help

    My duck was diagnosed with an infection in his leg and given antibiotics with a poor prognosis. I'm scared It's not getting better with antibiotics and I'm desperate to help him. Any suggestions?
  6. Rondack

    My nice tame toulouse goose.... :(

    My goose used to be really friendly, to all, it (not sure if it's a he or a she) and the two ducks we have, always used to follow everyone around and never hiss at anyone. Then that changed.... I was just outside and my goose, which was never really aggressive towards me but was to others, bit...
  7. BriiBaer

    Niacin for Adult Duck

    I have a Pekin that has limped his whole life. It seems to be getting slightly worse. I have heard Niacin works wonders. I am just not sure what kind to get or how to give it to him. They all drink out of the same water source. Has anyone ever had experience with this? -BriiBaer Paulus'...
  8. Ducklebutt

    HELP!!! Limping!

    I woke up this morning to find one of my runner ducklings limping on his right leg and sat down every chance he gets! I'm worried he did something in the night or maybe slept on it wrong? I'm so unsure. I want this guy to survive as I only have four ducklings and he's such a sweetheart. When he...
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