duck sexing

  1. M

    Help with breed identification/sexing 3 month old ducks!

    Hello! First time Duck owner here! We had a broody hen ( no rooster) so we decided to have a little fun and let her sit on some random duck eggs I picked up from someone on Facebook. She successfully hatched two but they look nothing alike! Any help with breed identification or guesses on sex...
  2. dancingflame

    muscovy sexing?

    I just bought some muscovy ducks today and the seller didn’t tell me if he knew if they were male or female or their ages, so I tried looking it up and am getting some inconclusive results. can someone help me out? :( the first two pictures are separate ducks and the last one is them together
  3. Barredrockmama1

    New duck mom

    Hello everyone, We have 10 full grown barred rocks and just recently bought 3 baby ducks, I'm a new duck mom and would like to know any advice, of things I should know about raising baby ducks, I'm thinking it's pretty straight forwards or similar to chicks, but not sure when we will need to...
  4. proudduckowner22

    15 week old buff Orpington ducks sexes?

    Hey y’all, I got my first buff Orpington ducks about 2 weeks ago they are 15 weeks old now. I was wanting to purchase 4 girls and 1 boy and when I got them I was pretty sure I got what I wanted, in the photo you can see the drake in the pool he clearly has a different bill colour then everyone...
  5. D

    Confused if this is a boy?

    We have 2 ducks we got from tractor supply 6 weeks ago, so I’m not sure exactly how old they are but I’m going to guess 9 weeks? One of them is definitely female, she’s been quacking for a few weeks now. The other still peeps/chirps, and has now developed some greenish feathers on the back near...
  6. Claudine19

    4 weeks old ducklings voice change

    My Pekins are now 4 weeks old and I'm noticing two that are starting to sound a bit different than the others. I know a raspier quack will indicate a male but I also know early voice change most likely indicate a female so now I'm a bit lost and also very eagered to know the sex of these little...
  7. Claudine19

    DNA sexing ducklings?

    I have 9 beautiful ducklings (8 Pekins and a khaki Campbell) that just hatched this week! I vent checked them today (all around 1 to 3 days old) and it gave me 9 females, which lets face it is most likely wrong. I would rather be too gentle than too harsh while vent sexing them, so I probably...
  8. prestoconfuoco

    Sexing welsh harlequin help?

    Hey all, I'm just a bit paranoid that my 7 week old welsh harlequin might be a drake, but I'm very new to raising ducks -- and I've never had a drake -- so I don't know how to tell that well. Here are a few videos I took to showcase the sounds she makes and what she looks like. (There are also...
  9. ChickenChick302

    Khaki Cambells Sex?

    Hello, I am having issues figuring out if I have all drakes, females, or some combo. They are about 6-8 weeks old at my beat guess. Any help is appreciated as this is my first duck adventure. 😁
  10. What gender is my duck?

    What gender is my duck?

    You went to the feed store and fell in love with those cute little webbed feet and those adorable faces. Now, you are wondering what gender is my duck? If your duckling is only a few days old, you are probably going to have to wait a few weeks unless you know how to vent sex (in which case you...
  11. Solemn Opossum

    Male or Female Black Indian Runner (Posted to the Chicken section by accident!)

    (I'm dumb and posted this to the chicken sexing forum instead of the one for ducks, and I don't know how to delete my thread so I can move it; I'm sorry.) Is Twisty a boy or a girl? He is the one making the raspy whistle sound (sorry about all the conflicting duck sounds, this was their first...
  12. Flario12


  13. Silkie_Mom

    Male or Female?

    I'm not really familiar with sexing ducks. Someone said the feathers near the tail curl if it's a drake? The pics aren't the best, but what do you guys think? Does he look male or female?
  14. D

    Confused about sex of mallard ducks

    hi all, I have 2 mallard ducklings approx 3 month old but I’m confused about their sex. One has a white ring around its neck and kinda crocks like a frog. The other duck quacks super loud but has no white ring. I’m not sure about the colour on their beaks but they both appear to have black/beige...
  15. R3M1X

    Drake or not?

    I feel like everytime I have a possible drake I go insane with the constant back and forth of "yes it is a drake I know it!" and "okay... maybe I dont know and it COULD be a female..." Needless to say I think I need help. I asked before but my duck was only 8 weeks old at the time so it was...
  16. L

    Gender of rescued duck

    we are new to ducks and since we have chickens someone we know decided to give us a Peking duck they rescued from a very bad home. They told us it was a he but I’m not so sure. What is your opinion?
  17. C

    what is this duck? sex&breed - thanks!!!

    so i adopted this duck as a duckling, wasn't told sex or breed, was a "leftover" saved from whatever hatcheries do with leftover food? i don't wanna find out...anyways, With what little information i could find, my duck-newbie self has been watching what i thought was a "she"...
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